Game Results: August 15, 2019

By Marc Brafman
Team Brafman once again fell short last night to Team Solomon in a hard fought 17-9 loss. The wind was taken out of their sails a little when Aaron “Straight Outta” Compton went down with a knee injury in the 4th inning. “Anytime you see a guy get hurt it bothers you, but especially for a guy like Aaron who has been through this once before and rehabbed to get back onto the field. All of Team Brafman hopes for a quick recovery for Aaron,” Brafman said post game.
Pat “Sunshine” Feldman led the way on offense for Team Brafman with a 2 RBI Sac fly and a JCC Softball home run. Zach “The Wild Horse” Zackem continued his stellar play at the plate and the leadoff spot with a couple of knocks. And Randy “The Big Kahuna” Broyles had a triple.
On defense Bob “Sunset” Feldman continues to turn back the clock with nice plays at both first and second. Dave “The Minister of Fun” Cohen also flashed the leather at 1st and Ryan “The Hebrew Hammer” Baum battled the sun to make a couple of nice catches and throws later in the game.
While Team Brafman has struggled in the standings, that hasn’t stopped them from having fun including one of the funnier lines of the season when Eric “The Mouth of the Midwest” Gruen lived up to his name by informing Brafman that his time running to second on a steal was more AARP than JCC softball. (Good one, Eric)
Team Brafman looks to sweep Team Lefton on Wednesday
Congrats go out to former JCC Softball All Star Ben “Weezy” Lefton on his daughter playing and helping Team USA win a couple of games in Lacrosse at the Maccabi games over the weekend.
Sad news as former JCC player and current Chef at the JCC Drew “Kung Fu” Hayes lost his mother this week. A very bad season for all of us and our parents
Jerry Kirzner has an interesting way to spend his off time. Last week he, along with my parents, visited Mansfield Prison, home of Red, Andy and the rest of the cons in Shawshank Prison. He got to tour the prison and see where all the action in the movie took place. He said the highlight was meeting the actor that played the golf pro that Andy was accused of killing. But we all know the real murderer was Elmo Blatch 
Next season we all need to chip in and buy JCC sub, Brian Monk, a bat and a Red t-shirt. I haven’t seen a grown man wear a “penny” like he had on in years.
We also need to get Scott Wolf a new glove as his has disappeared
I encourage all single guys in the league to become friends with Scott “Shorty” Adams as he somehow always has good looking women on his phone.
Non-softball note of the week: For all of you Ohio State fans out there, the reason the rest of the country hates you is for the nonsense of trying to trademark the word “THE.” I used this in a group text the other day but at the University of Alabama, where I went, all we trademark is titles and not losing to unranked teams by 20 year after year.
Finally, Roger “Wavy Gravy” Rosenthal is getting honored Friday night at GABP by throwing out the first pitch at the Reds game. It happens to be Grateful Dead tribute night and they picked Roger because back in 1971 he dropped acid with Jerry Garcia and Pigpen at the Taft Theater and plans to tell his story on Friday night. 
(Full discloser Roger is really throwing out the first pitch due to his tireless work with the Alzheimer’s foundation. So, all kidding aside, keep up the great work Roger)