Thursday June 5……….2:49 p.m…………REDS AT PHILLIES UPDATE……… Phillies 4 Reds 0 in the bottom of the 7th………Bailey……..1 earned run in 6.1 innings………our power was out last night so it was a good thing I went to a friend’s house to watch Detroit win the Stanley Cup……tonight the Clones will try to win the Kelly Cup at home……..gametime is 7:30 p.m………I’ll be there with AARON FRITZHAND and his sons and DAN CRONSTEIN…….just look for someone in a walking boot…….Boston and L.A. start their series this evening in Beantown………L.A. in seven games…….wanna bet MIKE ROTHSTEIN?…….you would have won the last bet!………final note……hope everyone had a good time at the Adams Golf outing today…………………….