Wednesday April 30…………11:11 p.m………..BLOG BULLETIN………MARC TESSEL walked out of BW3’s this evening without paying his bill……..Hey, the Montgomery Police Dept. may be after him…..Commish is looking into a possible suspension as his actions have put a bad mark on the leaague………LEAGUE RUMOR……..DAVID ”DEE” HARRIS is being carefully watched by owner/pitcher DOCTOR BOB PELBERG to turn his team around NOW or join Avery Johnson in the unemployment line……..QUOTE OF THE DAY……..STEVE OSTROW…………..”I’ve mellowed”……….We”ll keep you posted……….WINNERS tonight……..Teams Grefer, Eppstein, Schwartz and Kirzner………hopefully the captains will report the highlights/lowlights to THE BLOG………In Team Kirzner’s win over Team, Harris, RYAN KIRZNER (possibly the league best on base % leader) did what he does best and that was get on base…….it was Rookie Night afterwards at the J.C.C.’s favorite hangout (other than Lefty’s), but this reporter reports that RYAN SILVERMAN is NOT a rookie………just ask GARY GREFER, his current captain……STAR SIGHTING………MIKE CREEMER was coaxed by best friend and the official league beer drinker THE ROCKET……remember we have games this Sunday, weather permitting, that start at 9:30 p.m. ……