Wednesday April 23…….11:11 a.m……..I want to put out a reward (of your choice) to anyone out there that can find home plate for me. I lost it last week (Team Newman can testify to that) and I would like to find it!!!!!! Also, if anyone out there can find a glove that doesn’t have any errors in it, please get it for me as I need one of those (Team Newman can testify to that one too!)…..Week 2 begins tonight with Team Kirzner playing their first game after a Week 1 bye……..rumor has it that veteran pitcher David Fox might be a little slow coming off the mound as he just got back from a cruise… know what that means? Buffets…..though Fox usually eats pretty sensibly a.k.a. salads…….Weather is expected to be there………duh!!!!!……warm and partly cloudy…….other news…….What idiots the Washington Wizards are for “badmouthing” King James before their playoff series………Cyclones vs. Reading Royals (No not Reading, Ohio) in the next round…look for the Cincinnati icemen to take care of business in no more than five games…….Will Chad be shipped out of town?…….hopefully and don’t let the door hit your big ass on the way out……….finally, thanks go out to BIG Todd for his encouraging words to me after a horrifice softball week……Happy Softballing!!!!!!!!! comments/questions/rumors can be sent to