Game Results: July 11, 2019


Grefer     9
Brafman 3

by marc brafman……

On a hot night, TEAM GREFER and Mike Gray cooled off TEAM BRAFMAN’S bats last night beating them 9-3……..
“Tonight was a typical JCC game Brafman said post game,  “We hit the ball on the nose in multiple innings only to see MARK TENENHOLTZ, KYLE GREFER or sub MIKE ROTHSTEIN make the plays. And to their credit they, to quote Wee Willie Keeler, “hit the ball where we ain’t” most of the game. (the lone exception being a mammoth homer by TENENHOLTZ)
“While the score doesn’t show it, we never quit in this game,” Brafman said. “Down 9-0 in the bottom of the 6th and with the 10-run rule hanging over their heads, we buckled down and kept the 10th run off the board which gave us a chance to hit one more time. While the 7th inning rally ended after only a couple of runs I really loved the spirit we showed in keeping the game going. That is what Team Brafman is made of and why I love playing with my guys.”
On offense, Team Brafman was led by BOB “SUNSET” FELDMAN, MARC BRAFMAN and RYAN “THE HEBREW HAMMER” BAUM who all had hits and drove in the runs…….
On defense ERIC “THE MOUTH OF THE MIDWEST” GRUEN, PAT “SUNSHINE” FELDMAN, BRAD “THE HYMAN RAIN DELAY” WAGNER, RANDY “TEX” BROYLES AND AARON “STRAIGHT OUTTA” COMPTON all made plays to keep the game close. A big thumbs up to BAUM who not only caught a great game but made two very nice plays in the field.
A final note after getting some base running “tips” from Yasiel Puig before a recent Reds game ZACH “ZZ TOP” ZAKEM will now be known as “The Wild Horse” he was thrown out by 10 feet last night at 3rd base, but we love the effort, Zach, and you made Puig proud………
League notes:
While the awards banquet is a few months away, JCC Rookie Bryce Anslinger is the runaway leader in the clubhouse for best dressed rookie. Last night he was rocking what only can be described as the Jack Clompus Del Boca Vista summer look.
Remember the one year when Brady Anderson hit like 100 homers for the O’s? Whatever tips he gave to David “D-Sol” Solomon in the off season must have paid off as he continues to crush the ball including a homer over the fence last night.
I have it on good authority that while most of us that went to Camp Wildbrook parent day yesterday engaged in t-ball or flag football, gaga or swimming, Greg Leader spent most of his day making lanyards and showing off his tin-can cooking skills. If you are in the market for a key chain lanyard, Greg is your guy.
Finally, we all know that ROGER ROSENTHAL only roots for winners as the front runner that he is. He was on his feet singing God Bless America while watching Cincy native and fellow Wisconsin alumnus Rose LaVelle score the 2nd goal in the World Cup win on Sunday. Roger is already taking orders for the new LaVelle bobblehead he plans to produce which shows LaVelle scoring the goal while eating Skyline and a big piece of Wisconsin cheese. Said ROSENTHAL at the Silver Spring House last night “I not only feel it’s my duty as an American to make this bobblehead but since I only root for Winners (the Harlem Globetrotters, Gravedigger the Monster truck, Joey Chestnut, that guy on Jeopardy that won all the games in a row,)   I know a winner when I see it. ROGER will be taking orders for his LaVelle bobbleheads for the remainder of the season.

grefer     9
brafman 3

by kyle grefer………..

MVP honors go to BIG BLUE MARK TENENHOLTZ who had a laser home run over the fence, a great diving catch and ended the game throwing out a runner at third base….

MIKE GRAY pitched a fantastic game with a shutout going into the final frame…..

Other notables were MICHAEL MARGOLIS catching the defense off guard with a delayed steal….ERIC ZEID with some key catches in RF and rookie BRYCE ANSLINGER with a couple of timely hits…….