Game Results: July 1, 2019


Roommate love was once again in the air as before the game LEON” THE BULL” SESSERMAN hoped that his roommate and pillow talk buddy “TAYLOR MAY THE SCHWARTZ BE WITH YOU go 0-4….

ROGER ROSENTHAL once again proving that it’s easier to talk to his bobbleheads than to actual people tried for five minutes to ask Ohio State fans at the Silver Spring House if they’d rather win all of their (football) games, but lose to Michigan or lose all of their games and beat Michigan…..the answer of course is A as that would still keep them in line in the Final Four of college football….(that of course is a silly question because we all know they would lose to Purdue or Indiana or Northwestern by 40 points they play Big Blue……

A belated Happy Birthday to JCC softball all-time steals leader SCOTT “DIRE” WOLF….can RON ROSE go thru the old box scores and validate this fact for us?….and while you’re at it, can you see if DAN GREEN or ERIC “THE MOUTH OF THE MIDWEST” GRUEN currently lead the league in bunts……..

JEREMY “HAMILTON? FOGEL when asked if he could be texted at 8:30 in the morning to ask how UC basketball practice went said, “No. I’ll be back to sleep or sleeping at my job, I’m not sure which, but either way, I guess being a college student is tough work.”

Finally, on a serious note….kudos to STEVE EPPSTEIN, JERRY KIRZNER, HOWARD SCHWARTZ and GREG “GIGGY” FRANKLIN and all the other older guys in the league on still playing in league and still playing well…….I can only speak for myself, but you give us all inspiration to stay in shape and keep playing and having fun doing it………