Game Results: June 13, 2019


leader 16
lefton 13

by roger rosenthal……

After scoring six runs in the top of the first inning, TEAM LEADER roared back to take the lead and held on for the victory…..

ROBERT PELBERG continued his hot hitting and played solid behind the plate…….ROGER ROSENTHAL and EDDIE GALLOP hit well at the bottom the order as did JEFF “LITTLE FINK” FINKELSTEIN, but it wasn’t quite enough…..

TEAM LEFTON, coming off arguably their best defensive game of the year, had a few miscues that cost them big time……afterwards, captain JIMMY LEFTON said, “We win as a team and we lose as a team and I don’t blame anyone on this team. We normally make those plays, tonight we didn’t.”

TEAM LEFTON is still in the hunt for the first half title, but needs a bit of help down the stretch.

“We’re still in the hunt for the first half title and I believe in this team  and I expect us to come back and win the next two games,” LEFTON added.

The defensive play of the game for TEAM LEFTON was BRAD GALLOP throwing a runner out at third base on a “perfect” throw from RF.

“I don’t think these guys think I can throw the ball that well. Let them run on me and see what happens,” GALLOP said afterwards to reporters…..

by greg leader…….

TEAM LEADER notched its’ third consecutive win with a 16-13 victor over TEAM LEFTON….the victors fell behind 6-0 in the top of the opening frame only to come back with four runs in the bottom of the inning and took a 8-4 lead in the second inning as the defense tightened up….

JAMIE KURTZER continued his strong pitching and didn’t allow a walk, despite challenging weather conditions…..

The defensive play for TEAM LEADER was captain GREG LEADER throwing a runner out at the plate after catching a short fly ball in RF…….to complete a double play!…..

The lefties of TEAM LEFTON were strong as usual, but some righty batting towards that back of the batting order had a legit double…….who would that be??????

groh 7
grefer 4

by ken groh…….

Both teams battled thru the rain soaked game in somewhat of a pitchers dual with both teams missing their big hitting third basemen…..

After both teams went 1-2-3 in the first inning, MARC SIMONS and RYAN SMALL had hits to begin the second inning…..KEN GROH was up next and took advantage of KYLE GREFER, a 1st team defensive RCF, being only able to play 1B, launched a 257 foot three run bomb….

In the next inning, DAVID WERTHEIM, GRIFFIN HARRIS and SIMONS added two more runs with aggressive base running and a lot of dabbing…..

TEAM GREFER plated a run in the bottom of the 4th inning, but TEAM GROH added two more runs in the fifth after a double by HARRIS and back to back singles by SMALL and GROH…..

Up 7-1 heading to the bottom of the final inning, GROH survived a shaky frame to finally get back in the win column……

Afterwards, GROH stated afterwards, “After not winning in May, hopefully, we are finally turning the corner for a second half and championship run.”

kamrass     12
schwartz, t. 2

by micah kamrass

The defense played error free ball and were led by strong plays from the KAMRASS brothers, MICAH and JARED, the HEADMAN cousins, ADAM and ANDY and “SUPER” JAMES SWAN…..

After two games of slow hitting, the bats came alive thanks to a sacred Jobu ritual…..the biggest hits came from RAFI “VELACIRAFTOR” GOLDFARB, DAVID “DANCING WITH THE STARS” SOLOMON, RILEY “SLASH” ABLE and ADAM “VOTTOMATCI” CRONSTEIN…….

The player of the game was pitcher, JASON “THE MAD HUNGARIAN” FAUST, who allowed two runs in the first inning and was unhittable the rest of the game….he also had the the “walk-off” hit to score BEN “DOUBLE B” BARNETT who was the team’s leading baserunner……

“You play to with the game,” said HERM EDWARDS AND MICAH KAMRASS. “I’m glad we were able to win this one.”


Did anyone find a green water bottle on field #2 after the game….if so, it’s Corey Schwartz’…….