Game Results: May 17, 2019

GAME REPORTS……better a little late than never, eh?

first one in…….

kamrass 11
brafman 10

by micah kamrass……..

While missing their two team leaders in hitting, TEAM KAMRASS defeated TEAM BRAFMAN, 11-10, in walk-off fashion……

Fresh off his return from Israel, DAVID “DANCING WITH THE STARS” SOLOMON proved prophetic in his quote from last week’s report by delivering the hit of the night with a three run triple to the fence…..he earned the game ball for the strong hitting and solid defense behind the plate….

ADAM “CRON-O-MATIC” CRONSTEIN continued his strong hitting this season as well with a monster shot that looked like it was heading for GREG “BIG GIG” FRANKLIN’S car, which he said was a “total coincidence”…..

JASON “THE MAD HUNGARIAN” FAUST got the team out of several jams with clutch pitching, including a key strikeout and a groundout to him with the bases loaded……

“I told BRAFMAN (MARC) this game would be revenge for him drafting a different pitcher this season. I love it when I’m right,” FAUST said afterwards…….

JARED “DEREK DIETRICH” KAMRASS came through with the walk-off sacrifice fly to score RAFI “VELOCIRAFTOR” GOLDFARB who utilized some nifty base running to reach home safely with the winning run….

“I’m basically YASIEL PUIG. We both had walk off hits tonight,” KAMRASS said…..

“I was thrilled to earn the win in my first nail-biter as a captain, which catapulted the team into second place and I’m excited to play TEAM HOWARD SCHWARTZ next week,” the captain said.

“It’ll be fun to see how my three games of being a captain experience match up against his approximately 737426482615485725274 games of experience” he added………..

by marc brafman……..

It was a heartbreaking loss and anyone who has played for TEAM BRAFMAN for the last 2 1/2 years knows that he has one rule that he preaches from before the season even starts…..that rule is when you catch the ball, run it in and call timeout and don’t throw it around…..

The captain needs to take his own advice as a terrible throw in the bottom of the 7th inning with the bases loaded allowed the winning run to score from third base…..

“It’s never fun to lose and it’s even less fun when you’re the reason your team lost”, a dejected BRAFMAN said after the game…..”I only talk about not throwing the ball around from before the season starts and why I didn’t think to take my own advice is something that I’ll think about the rest of the season.”

On the plus side, TEAM BRAFMAN battled back from a 7-1 hole to tie the game in the top of the 7th inning…..

The offense was led by PAT “SUNSHINE” FELDMAN, the SUNSHINE boys of JERRY “DOC” KIRZNER, BOB “SUNSET” FELDMAN and sub DOUG SANDOR who each had big hits in the comeback…..

ZACH “ZZ TOP” ZACKUM also had two hits and 2 RBI’s….ERIC “THE MOUTH OF THE MIDWEST” GRUEN also continued with a couple of hard knocks…….

On defense, RANDY “TEX” BROYLES made three tough plays on the mound….SANDOR turned two DP….AARON “STRAIGHT OTTA” COMPTON and SUNSHINE all had nice plays….PAT robbed DAVID “D-SOLE” SOLOMON on a long ball into the LCF gap, this after he clubbed a bases clearing triple……

Said FELDMAN post game, “I think David needs to take a p-test. I think he ate some hummus laced with the balk cream or clear when he was in Israel last week.”

schwartz, h. 17
grefer           15…….extra innings

by howard schwartz……

TYLER STANSBURY was the offensive star hitting two home runs over the fence and had seven RBI’s…..

For TEAM GREFER, MARK TENENHOLTZ was the hitting star going four for four with a home run over the CF fence….

MIKE CREEMER had a great defensive game behind the plate, several strong base hits and an incredible show of speed while tagging from third base with the go-ahead run……….

schwartz, t.   8
leader           7

by taylor schwartz……

The victors led 7-2 heading into the 6th inning when TEAM LEADER plated four runs to cut the lead  to one run…..In the top of the 7th inning, ANTON LOON hit an inside the park home run to tie the game only to show the resiliency to rally back with back to back hits by JOSH KLEYMEYER and SCOTT “SHORTY” ADAMS and JEFF WEISBROT driving in the winning run…..

PHIL “COLLINS” GANSON brought the offensive firepower including a triple just short of the outfield fence……

MITCHELL “BOB” EVANS led the defense with several warning track catches in LF….DAN GREEN pitched a solid game……

“Overall a solid team performance,” TAYLOR SCHWARTZ said post-game……

JONATHAN “SUNFLOWER” SUSSMAN told reporters afterwards, “We’re 2-0 since I grew out my mustache. I’m not sure that’s a direct correlation, but Corky Miller would be proud……