Game Results: May 19, 2022

May 18 Recap

By Marc Brafman

Mother nature was not shining down on us last night but hey we got the games in. 


On field one it was a battle of undefeated teams. Something had to give, and Team Lefton pulled out a close one. Jimmy leads off.


Team Lefton won 6-5 in a sloppy, muddy mess of a game. The game was played remarkably well on defense by both teams despite the poor conditions. Team Lefton got out to a 5-0 lead which would have been more than enough if not for two remarkable plays by Mark Franklin, of all people, in right field. He saved 3-4 runs with great catches. Griff “Lady Buckeye” Harris led the offense with a big 3-run homer that proved to be the difference in the game. 


On field 2 it was Team Weisser vs. Team Kamrass

A short and sweet update from the winning team Capt. Mark:

We won 16-5 in six innings. Good hitting by everyone, especially Wes Wolf, though team Kamrass only had nine players. Field was total slop. Very good defense on my team all around.


On Field 3 it was Team Grefer vs. Team Roger

Kyle bats first for the winners:

We beat Team Rosenthal 12-11 in a back-and-forth game. After the 5th inning we had a one run lead, and they scored 4 in the top of 6. In the bottom of 6 our bats woke up in a huge 7 run inning to go up 11-7, but they rallied in the top off 7 to tie the game up. In the bottom of 7 they walked Taylor Police to get to me, and with the bases loaded and the outfield in, I hit one to right field to win the game.


Mike Gray pitched admirably in a swamp around the pitcher’s mound. Defensively Ben Margolis had a nice game behind the plate, Taylor Police made all the plays at shortstop, and I threw out runners at both first and home. Offensively everyone contributed in the key 6th inning, but notable contributors were AJ Goldhoff with line drives all over the field, Michael Margolis with a huge hit to spark a rally, Mike Gray with some big hits, sub Noah Pelberg, and myself.


And Roger for his squad:

Questionable strategy might have sunk the ship this time………






*RAFI GOLDFARB…….hit the “you know what” out of the ball and played a flawless SS…..


*DAVID SOLOMON…..continues to be great behind the plate and made a couple of hustle plays on the bases….


*BRIAN GOLDBERG…..back after a week off, made a great catch at 2B and had a couple of key hits……


*KEITH KOMBRINCK…..pitched a great five innings and then things went south, but kept us in the game…….


Finally, it sounds like the real action took place on field 4:

Team Stu vs. Team Z


Stu for the winners: 

Controversy always seems to find Team Solomon as the ump called our game after 5 innings. To be fair the ump announced the 5th would be the last inning before the inning started. Team Solomon Ended up winning 8-5.


Big shout out to Corey “Chuck” Norris for pitching a fantastic game last night. I’ll bring a bucket of water to recreate the conditions. It was a great day for the bottom half of our order. Mr. Kroger, Mark “the Bruiser” Wolfe and Evan “The Beard” Gildenblatt both had two hits. Gregg “Triple G” Harris had a huge hit in the 3rd to drive in two and keep the game out of reach. The game was capped off by several nice sliding plays by Adam “The Bad Guy” Cronstein. 


“We played a complete game through adverse conditions. It was a great Team Win.” -Evan Gildenblatt


“I feel like I have a chip on my shoulder for being picked as a 5 and I am going to let the whole league know it” Dr. Jeff Weisbrot DDS


League notes:

As we move into the summer with high school graduations, I can’t recommend enough going to the Sweet Butter Bakery web site for all of your Jewish baked good needs


For all you single guys in the league I was reading a story about a kickball league in Chicago that kicked a woman out who created a team using nothing but Tinder. I thought this was a good idea for you single guys so get on tinder and get a team together.


Jewish night at the Reds game is June 7th. Help support the community and go check out the Reds vs. Arizona D-Backs.


Nothing better on Facebook than seeing prom/graduation pictures. Congrats to Corey “Chuck” Norris, “The Special One,” Mike Rothstein and Eric “Jeter” Goldstein who all have daughters graduating this year. (If I missed anyone, congrats!)


Speaking of Facebook Danny Gilbert posted pictures of himself looking at pictures of rocks while on vacation. That is how he labeled it. I can’t wait to hear all about that trip 


There is a Young Jewish night at either the J or at the golf club. See Rick Lefton if you are A) young and B) want to go


Happy birthday to Jason Esterkamp I don’t know how old he is, but he sure looks good.  Also, happy birthday to former commish, Rick Tenenholtz.


It is well established that Griff Harris has no interest in following the 4th or 5th best football team in college football (OSU) but he is still very much in love their National Championship women’s hockey team. Not to be outdone, our own Brad Gallop is rumored to be dating the entire Wisconsin women’s volleyball team. 


Next week, after the games please come out to the Silver Spring House to enjoy some food and league fun thanks to league title sponsor Gig Franklin. We will head over to the Spring House after the games. Thank you in advance, Gig!


In this week in Jason Faust stories:


Once again when he was on my team a few years ago. After getting hit around a little one inning with numerous bombs hit over the outfielders’ heads and with a runner on 3rd, Faust turned around and in the middle of the inning, fired a ball to me out in LF. Not when there was a timeout or when it was a dead ball, but as if he was trying to pick off a runner from left field. The runner jogged home and I’m pretty sure we lost the game. Even more than when I got kicked out of the game, that was as mad as I have ever been on the field. After the final out of the inning I sprinted in and said what the heck are you doing. He said, “there were so many balls hit over your head I wanted to make sure you could catch an easy one.”  I had to somewhat laugh (somewhat), but that was Faust.


Let’s hope for better weather next week.