Game Results: August 16, 2018


first in……


LEFTON 12     HIUDT 10 (8 innings)……

In a game that looked like you could have been a rout by HIUDT, LEFTON turned the tables by

fighting back by scoring two runs in the 7th inning and two in the 8th inning to notch the victory….

It was the common saying, a total team effort, but kudos go out to ALEX LEFTON, who suffered an

injury in a play at the plate, with five RBI’s, father JIMMY LEFTON with some key hits, RICK

LEFTON, playing at about 50% due to a minor injury (whatever that means), with a couple of key

base knocks, sub JACK COHEN with some solid defense in LCF and a couple of huge hits, MIKE

KAHAN with some stellar defense in LF and a couple of huge hits which included the hit that

spurred the two runs in the 8th inning and a home run in which while crossing home plate got hit in

the head……hope he is OK!!!!!

MIKE ROTHSTEIN settled down on the mound after a rough start and produced on the offensive

side as usual…..DAVID SOLOMON was solid behind the plate and had a couple of singles…..and

finally, super sub TANNER HARRIS, playing on his birthday, had a few putouts in RF and a hit and

looks like he’s going to be someone to reckon with in the future…..WATCH OUT DEE HARRIS and 


DAVID WERTHEIM played in possibly his last game for the year as he’s off to that school in the

middle of the state and has had a remarkable year playing wherever needed…..LCF or SS….

ROGER ROSENTHAL continued his horrid offensive slump….it’s gotten so bad that he might hire a

voodoo doctor to break the spell……”I suck,” he simply said after his 0 for 4……..

next in…….

reported by MARC BRAFMAN

“It was a tough night for us as we got taken behind the wood shed. Sometimes you’re on your game

and sometimes you get your butt kicked. Unfortunately for us tonight STU (SOLOMON) and his

team beat us every way a team could beat you,” MARC BRAFMAN said after the rout.

The offense was led by JOEL “THE WRATH OF” KAHN with two hits, DAVE “THE MINISTER

OF FUN” COHEN who continues his own personal Fountain Of Youth Tour and THE MOUTH OF


Defensively, JEREMY “HAMILTON” FOGEL should have put the Golden Glove award (BEST

DEFENSIVE PLAYER) to rest with catch after catch in the gap and RILEY “THE BIG MAN”

ABLE and COHEN also made a couple of nice plays……

JASON “THE MAD HUNGARIAN” FAUST lived up to his name by storming around the mound

during the game and managing a first in JCC softball league play by getting tossed out of a game he

wasn’t even playing in.

“I don’t understand why I got thrown out. I was just pointing out that the ump missed a call. What did

I do wrong?,” FAUST said later.

On a side note….the team would like to send out a BIG THANK YOU to “THE KID” GARY ASKIN

for his outstanding catching and hitting the last three weeks subbing for MIKE “THE FLASH”

CREEMER and thanks to SCOTT “WHY CAN’T WE BE” FRIEND(s) for subbing……..

On a final note, “We look forward to the playoffs and forgetting abut the game tonight. We’ll be back

on track next week.” BRAFMAN said.

next in………

reported by KYLE GREFER

GREFER 11    GROH 10

In a thrilling back and forth game, everyone contributed in the second half clinching victory…..

MIKE GRAY pitched a strong game and played through a nasty collision at home plate….BEN

BARNETT had a great catch in RF early in the game and MARK “WILDER” FRANKLIN hit a

triple to the LF fence….

The HARRIS BOYS, son GRIFF, a MVP candidate, and father DEE were the stars of the game as

GRIFF ran down everything in the outfield and a hit a home run over the LF fence…..

The game came down to the bottom of the 7th inning as GREFER needed two runs to tie…….JEFF

FINKELSTEIN got it started with a base hit and both sub BRANDON GUTTMAN and GRIFF

followed with hits of their own….now down one run, DANNY GREFER intentionally walked to  load

the bases, setting up the elder HARRIS to crush a line drive up the middle to score two runs and get

the win…….a celebration ensued to cap off the second half championship…..

It should also be noted that GROH played with only nine players……

“Hats off to TEAM GROH who played a great game,” KYLE GREFER said later.