Playoff Game Results: August 31, 2022

On a glorious night for softball (of course, when most of us weren’t playing) we had two great, down-to-the-wire games at Triple Creek.

On field 2 it was #1 seed Team Solomon vs. #5 seed Team Lefton

Stu chimes in first for the winners:

Team Solomon advances to the Championship Game with an 8-6 victory over Team Lefton.It was a back and forth battle with great plays from both teams.On a team filled with big hitters, the offensive action started with a seeing eye single by Evan “6th Circuit Court” Gildenblatt to score Corey “Chuck”  Norris. Dan “Everything is So” Green and Jeff “No Novocaine” Weisbrot were terrors on the base pads, both having multiple hits. Event of note: Team Lefton was terrified of Gregg “Triple G” Harris’ high exit velocity and intentionally walked him.Two of our biggest hits were from Ryan “ROY” Marcus with a bases-clearing triple. He came around to score on a delayed steal of home. It wasn’t the prettiest slide (it was more of a belly flop), but it all counts. The second was a home run by Adam “The Bad Guy” Cronstein after Griffin Harris robbed Adam in the 2nd inning. This ball was too far out of his reach. Adam chirped Griff on his way to second and eventually scored. That put team Solomon up one going into the 5th.Team Solomon scrapped out a run in the bottom of 6 to put them up 2 going into the top of 7.“It was a great team effort with contributions up and down the line-up and solid D across the board”, said Team Captain, Stuart Solomon, who is in his first ever trip to the Tournament championship game.

On Field 4 it was #7 seed, Team Weisser vs. #6 seed, Team Zawatsky.

Mark, from his Europe trip for the winners: (I can’t remember the final score but Team Weisser won by 5)

What a great team win for my guys last night. Down one going to the top of the 7th, our bats came alive. The big blow was a two-run go-ahead triple by Brad “The Human Rain Delay” Wagner. Watching from the bleachers Mike “Flash” Creemer remarked that he could have scored from first on that ball. Tyler “Big Bad” Wolf, Jamie Kurtzer, and Brad Gallop also had big hits in the inning. “I was just trying to help my team,” Gallop said post game while icing the boo-boo he got on his knee from sliding without pants on.” I’m so excited we made the championship game. Earlier in the game, “The Doctor of Style” David Weil had a big hit and contributed with a sac fly later in the game. “We will be ready to play next week,” Mark said. “Even without me, I’m confident that we can knock off Solomon.”

So, we are set with a Team Solomon vs. Team Weisser final next week at 6:00 PM at Triple Creek. If you are free, come on out and watch and we’ll all head out to the Silver Spring house post game for some wings to celebrate the end of the season. 

League notes:
If you haven’t sent your ASG votes to Ryan, please do so. The game is coming up soon.

If you would like to play in the fall league let us know. Games will be on Sunday mornings at Triple Creek. 

The time for me bugging all of you about the Oy Vey 5K race at the JCC is back. This year all the money earned goes towards ALL the sports programs and that includes the softball league. You can walk if you don’t run, you get a fun shirt and it’s for a good cause. The race is Nov. 13 at the JCC. I’ll send the link out soon.

Congrats to former League Rookie of the Year Leon “The Bull” Seserman on his engagement last week.

What is going on with fans at baseball games? Twice this week once in Oakland, and once in Toronto fans had sex in the stands. Maybe that would work for the Reds.

Did you see the story that came out yesterday about Angel Hernandez, the worst ump in baseball, who is suing baseball because he never works any of the big games. The last postseason he worked was in 2018 and he had 4 calls overturned by replay in one game. Joe Torre, who was in charge of the umps at the time, said, “Yeah, you are terrible, and this is why you aren’t working the World Series.” The report also mentioned that he went up to maybe my least favorite Red of all time, Homer Bailey, and asked him to sign 11 balls after one of his no-hitters. The fact that MLB can’t or won’t fire him is the reason we are going to see robot umps soon.

With all the gushing over Serena Williams (and rightfully so) winning her first two US Open matches at 41, everyone should look at our league where Jerry “Doc” Kirzner, Howie and Eppy are still going strong into their mid-70’s. Let’s see her do that!! By the way, on Monday night Martina Navratilova and her dog were sitting next to Mike Tyson. Everyone it seems is coming out for Serena.

Finally, Roger is on a cruise to celebrate his wedding anniversary. What are the odds that we hear about a man pushed overboard, not by his wife, but by the entire crew? Roger on a cruise… man that is a lot of talking and nowhere to go!