Championship Game Results: September 7, 2022

September 7 Recap

By Marc Brafman

After a LONG and wet regular season, we somehow got all the post season done on time and without too many hiccups. When all was said and done the best team in the regular season proved to be the best in the post season. Congrats to Captain Stu Solomon and his team for a great season. 

For those that didn’t know, in a back-and-forth game vs. Team Weisser the game, season and championship ended on a walk off single by Jeff “The Natural” Weisbrot who drove in Dan “Everything is so” Green who led off the bottom of the 7th with a double to win 9-8.

Instead of Stu’s recap e-mail he passed along the e-mail that Jeff sent his teammates after the game:

Some of you know this already, but I started playing in this league when I was 16.   I’m now 44.   44-16 equals 28 years.   I was gone for 8 of those years, so let’s call it 20 years of playing this league, and I had never been on a team that had won a half or an end of the year tournament.

Even though I was absent for part of the first half, I could tell early on this team was different.   We had guys up and down the lineup that could get a rally started.   I could chill out in the outfield and occasionally go track one down, and I knew I had a capable infield in front of me, and I just had to help on the back side.   That was also unique.

This was a fun bunch of teammates to play with and kudos to Stu for putting this team together.   As many of you know, Jason Faust and I were lifelong friends, and we competed with and against each other for many years in this league.  He and I had a long running joke of how I had never won a half or a tournament, and I certainly had him in the back of my mind throughout this tourney run. 

And, especially while I was up there in the bottom of the 7th with the winning run on second.   I never imagined I would have the opportunity to personally end the 20-year curse, lol!

Thanks to Tyler for straightening me out, when I had a brain fart, and gave a thought to bunting.  In so many words, he told me to get the fuck out of here and hit the ball!  I’m a grown adult now, but it is still fun to win a championship in this league.

As talented as we were, it wasn’t always easy, and this team always found a way to battle out of tough situations.   We never gave up, cool stuff.   

Thanks for letting me be part of it.

Jeff Weisbrot, 6th Round Pick

Congrats again to Team Stu and all the guys on his team. And to Team Weisser who played two great games to get to the championship game and made it a fun exciting game last night. 

Reading Jeff’s words above it really goes to show how much this league means to all. From Cam Kirzner who might be the youngest guy in the league to Jerry, Howie and Eppy it’s a special thing we do once a week each summer and how much we all enjoy it and cherish each Wednesday. 

One thing that struck me about Jeff’s note above is that you are never too old to get excited about winning a title. I was reminded of this last night when I watched my daughter, the non-sports fan of the Brafman household, win her first Jr. High tennis match. I was planning on going to the game last night, but her match went to 2 sets, and she won in a tie breaker for her first win. She then asked me to stick around to watch the doubles match, which Wyoming won for their first team win of the year. You’d have thought they had won the US Open! I hope none of us ever forget the joy of winning no matter how old we get. 

Speaking of old: here is an amazing stat from two weeks ago. 

On Aug. 29, 2001 Serena Williams won a match at the US Open and the great Albert Pujios homered for the Cards. That night Vlad Guerro, Craig Biggio and Dante Bichette “Happens” also homered

On Aug. 29, 2022 Serena Williams won a match in the US Open, AP homered vs. the Reds and Vlad Guerro JR., Cavan Biggio and Bo Bichette all homered. Sports are weird like that, right?

Happy anniversary to Eric Gruen (13 years I believe).

Happy birthday to JCC softball alumnus, Jeff Cohen.

Reminder the ASG is Sunday Sept 25 at Triple Creek. Come out and cheer on the guys.

The Oy Vey 5K is Nov. 13. Please come out and support the JCC and the sports program.

The Fall league is getting ready to go. Please sign it up if you want to play.

In case you missed it earlier this week Rabbi Yitz would like to pass this along:

I was wondering if you could include a message in your next communication to the League:

As Softball is a prime Jewish community program, it would be nice to let the large number of “Young Jewish Professionals” ages 21-40 that play know about a very popular event coming up — the “End of Summer Soiree” on Thurs Sept 15.

It’s a fun, social, Jewish party downtown. Click to RSVP.

I’m happy to report that Roger didn’t get tossed overboard on his cruise. 

A big thank you to all the Captains this year. It was a crazy year with the rain, the Sunday morning games, but you made it through, and everyone had a great time. (Well, maybe not Roger) 

Finally, a big shout out this year to Ryan, Rick T, Ricky L, Jerry and Mr. Mike for all of their help in getting the league through the rain, the postponements, the crazy schedule changes and everything else that happened this year. Well done guys. We don’t thank you guys enough for keeping us in line and the league running smoothly. 
