August 16, 2023: Tournament Semifinals Recap

On yet another picture perfect Wednesday night, two of the best games of the year took place on Fields 2 and 4. Could team Brafman knock off the Wolf Red Machine? Who would win the pitcher’s battle of “the Living Legend” Howie vs. Fink. Let’s get to the recaps to find out who is playing for the Youk trophy next week.

On Field 2 we had Team Brafman vs. Team Wolf

In a tight, well-played game from start to finish, Team Wolf came through in the end to continue their amazing run 7-6 in 8 innings. “Three times this year Team Brafman has tested us and each time we do just enough to win,” Wes said post game. Tonight was no exception. We had to battle back all game. Team Brafman jumped out to an early 3-0 lead with a couple of bunt singles, some good base running and a two out single by Ryan “the Hebrew Hammer” Baum. Eppy kept Wolf off the boards for the first couple of innings as Team Brafman led 3-1 into the 4th. The middle of the Wolf order finally got a couple of runs when Pete “The Straw that Stirs the Drink” Soltesz drove in a run with a single. Team Brafman pushed across another run to make it 4-2 going to the 5th. Wolf added another run on a sac fly to pull within one. Both teams played great defense all night. For Team Wolf, Wes as usual made every play at SS, Matt “The Bobcat” Brodof was a rock at 3rd and Mike Gray fielded his pitcher’s spot like he has all season. 

For team Brafman, Baum in LF made a couple of great catches, Griff, AKA Kelly Leak, in LF caught everything and Joel “Hallelujah” Buckley was fantastic at SS. 

Going to the bottom of the 6th, Wolf trailed by 1 before getting two runs to take a 6-5 lead going to the top of the 7th. Griff led off with a JCC double and was driven home by Jamey “The Rookie” Drennan. Then the fun started. A bang-bang play at first went against Team Brafman followed by a missed call at the plate (on a very good play by Brodof and “The other” Brian Goldberg) kept the score tied at 6. Neither team scored in the bottom of the 7th or the top of the 8th.

Wes led off with a double and got to third when the ball got past Team Brafman’s RF (Who will remain nameless) which forced Eppy to walk Tyler and Brodof to bring up Soltesz. Pete lifted a fly ball to RF deep enough to score Wes with the winning run and get Wolf into the title game. 

“We gave it our all a dejected Brafman said post game. This game will stick with me all off season.” Tip of the cap to Wolf they found a way to win. “I’m so proud of our guys Scott “Dire” Wolf said post game. We had to fight once again all game, but in the end we did just enough to win. 

Team Wolf improves to an amazing 18-0 and tries to run the table for what most believe will be the first time ever. Who will they play to try to be the ’72 Dolphins? Let’s find out.

On Field 4 it was Team Wagner vs. Team Kamrass

There aren’t words to fully encapsulate the craziness of the Team Kamrass walk-off win against Team Wagner. The game was tight all game because Fink and Howie were both lights out. Great pitching, great defense, and very little hitting best describe the first six innings. Team Kamrass came to the plate in the bottom of the 7th down one run. Team Kamrass was able to plate the tying run quickly, and had bases loaded with one out and a chance to walk off the game. Instead, Team Wagner turned a double play to send it to extras.

In the top of the 8th, Team Wagner scored 3, highlighted by super sub, Jeremy Fogel, putting a ball over the fence (Congrats to Jeremy, although it should have been caught).

After a huge single from David Solomon, Team Kamrass found itself with one on and two outs and Michael “Cramps” Margolis at the plate with the season on the line. Adam Heldman boldly predicted, “When Margolis gets this hit, we are going to win this game!”

What ensued was magical. First, Margolis came through with a single to left to make it two on with no out. James Swan had the hit of the season, with a triple over the head of both Fogels. He scored to tie the game on a single from Adam Heldman. With the game tied and Heldman on first, Zach Mayer came to the plate and ripped the ball over the head of the right fielder to score Heldman and end the game.

It was the best game I’ve ever been a part of in the league. This team keeps finding ways to win. We’re ready to conclude the season by scoring more runs than Team Wolf to claim the title.

The title game date is TBD at the moment as Team Kamrass is going to the FC vs Messi game next week. Stand by for the update on the championship game.

I encourage all of us to come out and cheer both teams on for the Youk. 

League Notes

The ASG is Wed. Aug. 30. please come out and support your teammates. We can all go out after the game for the final time. 

Since we got rained out last week, a sad start to league notes as Oren Shmoel’s mom (Also Ryan’s Mother-in-Law) passed away. While I didn’t know her, I read about her and she sure sounds like about 90% of the Jewish moms in the league. Oren and Ryan, we are sorry for your loss.

We’ve had a number of birthdays and I’m sure I missed a couple but Griff and Ryan Baum both celebrated birthdays over the last couple of weeks. 

Former Softball player and all round dad pun guy Drew “King Fu” Brown met Bruce Springstein last week in Chicago. Not sure how that came about, but pretty cool.

A big shout out to Mr. Mike and Anne Goldstein (wife of Eric “Jeter” Goldstein) who led the youth of Cincy to Florida for the Maccabi games last week. As usual the Cincy team brought home a lot of medals. Once again, please support the Blue Jay’s program, which brings me to your favorite note of the week.

The Oy Vey 5k is back again this year. Please mark Sunday, November 5th down to come and support the JCC and the all the programs. I/(we) will be sending out more info on this coming up. 

It’s Jewish Heritage night at FCC on October 4. For those that go to the Reds game this is always a fun night. I encourage you to sign up. To purchase tickets for this promotion, use this link:

You know you are old when, while at a party, the conversation turns to when you are scheduled to get a colonoscopy.

Sad news from the music world as on the same day Robbie Robertson of The Band and Rodriguez of Searching for Sugar Man fame died last week. I encourage all of you to listen to Music From Big Pink, The Band, Rock of Ages from the Band and the soundtrack to Searching for Sugar Man to get introduced to him

Good luck to all the guys going back to school (and their parents). It’s fun seeing all of the pictures.

Bryce last week went to both games of the Reds/Pirates Doubleheader. That is a lot of baseball for anyone, but his son loved it.

Finally, the Reds…It’s amazing how poorly you can play when your front office lets you down. Nick Krall had one job. Get anyone better than Weaver. He couldn’t or won’t pull the trigger. Meanwhile, Michael Lorenzen tosses a no hitter, Weaver loses all 3 of his starts since the ASG and, to make it worse, was asked twice to be the stopper of losing streaks. He didn’t and the Reds lost more ground. What I don’t understand and will never understand is why keeping prospects for 3 years down the road is more important than winning now. For every Matt McClain and Andrew Abbott there is a Nick Senzel and Taylor Trammell (Remember him? Yeah, neither do I). My point is I really don’t care how a Reds minor league AA player will be in 3 years for another team if the guy they trade for him can help the Reds now. When the history of this season is written and if the Reds don’t make the playoffs the total lack of any moves by the front office will be the headline. And the most sobering thought of all is what if Elly is “The Punisher III”? 

Hope to see everyone at the ASG on Aug. 30 and the finals when it is announced. 
