May 8, 2024: Games Recap

Mother Nature said, “Hey I’ll let you guys play tonight, just don’t ask for the sun.” As it turned out we didn’t need it and a perfect night for softball was had by all. Let’s get to the recaps.

On Field 1 it was Team Wolf vs. Team Fogel 

I know Team Wolf won 6-3 in what was a pitchers duel. Team Wolf has still not lost a regular season game in over a year..

On Field 2, Team Solomon took on Team Tenenholtz 

Rick For the Winners:

On Field 2, it was undefeated Team Solomon hosting Team Tenenholtz. The home team got off to a quick start with hot bats and slick defense. Pitcher Ken Groh kept the hitters off balance as the visitors’ first two batters made outs in each of the first three innings. Thanks to great defense by David “Duke” Snyder (yes, the nickname needs to be paired with the last name, not the first) and AJ Goldhoff, Team Solomon led 4-1 after 3 innings. Things looked bad for the visitors when catcher Mike Rothstein was inadvertently hit by Ken Groh’s bat on the follow through, but Rothstein toughed it out and shined the rest of the game.

The visitors finally started to hit in the 4th as they scored 4 runs in both the 4th and 5th innings and added 3 more in the 6th thanks to 3-hit nights by Sam Castellini, Tait Cunningham, Mike Rothstein and Hall of Famer, Howard Schwartz. Howie was masterful keeping the home team’s bats mostly quiet in the late innings and Team Tenenholtz went on to a 14-8 victory. Defensive kudos go to Zach Michelson, who has completed his second week at Camp Rothstein, Tait Cunningham, Bryce Anslinger and Brian Goldberg.

Field 3 had a classic battle of veteran pitchers as Team Brafman took on Team Harris

Roger for the winners:  



After a rough top of the first inning that produced five errors, but only two runs, TEAM HARRIS took control of the game and never looked back.

Once again, veteran pitcher MARK WEISSER pitched a stellar game and if not for the many miscues by the defense, would have given up a lot fewer runs.

“I know they’re trying their best behind me. It’s our second game of the year and I know we’ll tighten the screws on defense. I like this team,” WEISSER said postgame.

Hitting stars were aplenty as rookie DAN BERNSTEIN got his swing together after a rough start to the season with a BIG fly . “I know what I can do at the plate and once I know the league better watch out,” he said afterward.

RYAN MARCUS, after missing the first game, showed why he’s very dangerous at the plate as he smacked a dinger in the bottom of the first inning to set the tone for the rest of the game. He was also walked twice intentionally with runners on base, a tribute to his hitting prowess.

The Moeller High School graduate said, “If they want to walk me, fine. I have confidence in my teammates to make them pay.”

Other hitting stars were the HARRIS BOYS. Captain GRIFF got on base three times with base knocks and father DEE had two hits and was robbed of a third. RYAN “ATOM” BAUM plated runs with hits and it should be noted he has lost 40 pounds and is ready to model men’s clothing (as opposed to women’s clothing).

EVAN WEISSER continued his hitting ways and father MARK also chipped in. 

A silent contributor was STU WEINSTEIN who didn’t have a hit, but had key at bats to bring in runs or move runners up. “I just try to do what I can to help the team,” he said. It should be noted he lined a shot to left field only to have MARC BRAFMAN make a nice catch on it.

Finally, JACOB ZEIDENSTEIN had a couple base knocks, but he needs to dial his arm down a little at SS as he threw a 103 mph ball over first base and made a dent into the fence.


Before the game, MARK WEISSER offered ROGER ROSENTHAL $150 to be quiet for the remainder of the year……what do you think his answer was?

Does anyone know what teams are left in the NHL playoffs?……amazing how little people care about hockey, the most exciting sport…….there are a few of us…..KEN GROH…..GRIFF HARRIS……AJ GOLDHOFF…..any more out there?

Speaking of the NHL playoffs, ROSENTHAL and GRIFF HARRIS don’t have much in common on the field, but do share the fact that both their teams LA (Roger) and Toronto (Griff) got dumped in the first round…..again.

DAVID WEIL was missed last night at the local eatery, more so his comments about how bad the CINCINNATI REDS are and how bad a manager DAVID BELL is……MARC BRAFMAN wasn’t there either to spew his thoughts on the Reds either………and where was league mascot, alias JACOB BRAFMAN?

Finally, the state of college sports is getting worse……there are three reasons why players change schools……1. playing time…….2. coach……3. MONEY…… about how good a school it is when it come to academics?

Capt. Brafman would like to thank Ryan Silverman, Danny Grefer and Peter Brownell for subbing and give a shout out to Eric Gruen, who I believe went 4-5 last night.

And on Field 4 last night Team Wagner vs. Team Kamrass

Pre Summary…The Hiudts are brothers, not cousins. My apologies for the confusion.

Brad for the winners:

Team Wagner run-ruled Team Kamrass on Wednesday night in front of a standing-room-only crowd on Field 4, 22-7.  Team Wagner scored four in the first, but the injury-plagued Kamrass team battled back and scored six in the bottom frame.  Each team then scored a run before Team Wagner took a 14-7 lead in the 4th and tacked on a snowman in the top of the 5th to close it out.  

Total team effort for Team Graphite/Charcoal.  Great defense by Anton Loon, Zac Hiudt, Micahel Askin, Joey Hiudt, and Landon Hawkins.  Corey Norris pitched a great game and helped his cause at the plate with one of three inside-the-park home runs.  Anton Loon and Matt Leader were the others.  Daniel Hiudt, Brad Wagner, Bob Pelberg, Mike Margolis, and Mark Levine also contributed offensively.

Team Wagner will take on Team Fogel next week on Field 3, with Oscar Robertson and Oscar Gamble on the call.

Team Kamrass will take on Team Grefer next week on Field 2, with Mickey Dolenz and Mr. T on the call.

League notes

Congrats to Eddie and  Brad Gallop for graduating from UC

I believe Ben “Weezy” Lefton’s daughter also graduated and was a huge scorer on her college lacrosse team.

And not to be outdone, Scott “Shorty” Adam’s son graduated from UK. 

Well done, everyone.

This is pushing it in league notes, but I saw that Greg Leader’s brother won his 300th game as a high school baseball coach. Too bad none of that rubbed off on his brother as a captain in the JCC league. 

It seems that every time I go to a Reds game I bump into Bryce. On Sunday he was the Skyline shuffle guy and was able to find the ball behind the 5 way and win a gift card! Way to go, Bryce!

While I generally agree with David Weil and Billy Kahn on the Reds, I don’t blame David Bell for the mess the Reds are in. Take today (Thursday) for example. The Reds tie the game at 4 in the bottom of the 7th. Fernado Cruz comes in and gets the first two outs then WALKS, repeat WALKS, the 8-9 hitters before giving up a  bloop single to Corbin Carroll as the D-Backs take the lead. How is that David Bell’s fault? Bottom of the 8th, Stewie Fairchild completely loses track of where a pop fly was hit on a hit and run and gets doubled off base. Now you can argue that Stewie isn’t a major league player and I would agree, but how are either of those things Bell’s fault? David and Billy harp on the lineup and who’s hitting where. Now that Friedl is back and Elly is hitting 2nd it doesn’t matter where anyone else hits. NONE of them can hit at the moment. You want to blame someone, blame Marte for taking PED’s or the front office for leaving Bell with a short bench. But I don’t see how an entire team not hitting has anything to do with the manager. 

In Roger world this week I found it interesting that he sets the market on Reds bobbleheads. I always thought that there was some Bobblehead Czar out there but it turns out it’s him. So when you see an Eddie Milner 1984 Reds bobblehead for 100 bucks, blame him.

Sorry this week isn’t more exciting I will do better next week.

See ya next Wednesday!
