August 28, 2024: Games Recap

On a hot and thunder-ish night at Triple Creek a lot of hits were happen all over the park 

On Field 1 it was Team Wolf vs. Team Grefer

In a barn burner and the only non-run rule game of the week Team Wolf won 9-8. It was a back and forth game but Team Wolf pulled it out in the end. Kudos to all-time JCC steals leader Scott Wolf for legging out a triple and making a diving catch in RF. 

On Field 2 it was Team Harris vs. Team Solomon in a battle of Stu’s pitching. Not since Gaylord Perry took on Gaylord Gracksillious has there been this much anticipation for a matchup

Stu Solomon for the winners:

The Battle of the Stu’s was one for the ages. Not in a great pitchers duel but for the fact that THIS Stu, shut out Team Harris 10-0. 

While there were plenty of big hits especially from Ryan “Day” Small, Chris “Klieman” Kunkel and Ben “Johnson” Charlton. The day belonged to Team Solomon’s head coach and spot starter Stuart Solomon and the defense behind him. 

I just had it working, hitting spots and keeping team Harris off balance. Team Harris did hit a few hard hit balls but were caught by a great tandem of Centerfielders, Adam “Geise” Cronstein and the aforementioned Ben “Johnson” Carlton. The biggest defensive play came with the bases loaded and 1 out in the bottom of 5. I got Evan Weisser (I think it was him but it could have been someone else) to pop up in foul ground in front of Team Harris’s bench. Zach “Taylor” Zakem made a great catch from his catcher’s position to get the key second out. 

After the game, Dee Harris had this to say ” Sometimes the balls just don’t fall our way and that’s what happened today. Plus, Stu’s incredible pitching baffled even our best hitters.”

Team Solomon looks to keep winning and improve its playoff seeding against Team Tenenholtz without Howie on the mound.

On Field 3 it was Team Fogel vs. Team Tenenholtz

Team Fogel won 19-9 or something like that. Jeremy and team hit the ball well. 

Finally in the sad sack game of the week Team Kamrass took on Team Buttermaker

Micah for the winners

Team Kamrass got its third win of the season last night behind strong pitching from Jon Ruben, who took a perfect game into the fourth inning. 

Great defensive plays came from Scott Raskin and Danny Meisterman.

The big hits of the night included a home run from James Swan, a blast of a double from Eric Goldstein, and a walk off shot from Tyler Stansbury. 

Watch out league. Team Kamrass is getting hot at the right time!

For Team Brafman, Cam Kirzner had a couple of hits, while Jeff “The Natural” Weisbrot continued his torrid hitting pace. Team Buttermaker’s Captain had this to say quoting David Bell after another Reds/Buttermaker loss. “They are a good team,” Bell said. “We believe we are a good team, too. We go into every game believing we are going to win it. That needs to be put out there.” This is an actual quote from the Reds manager after yet another loss to the Brewers on Friday afternoon.

League notes: 

Ryan mentioned it earlier in the week but a solemn tip of the JCC cap to Todd “The Mayor” Wasserman on the sad news about his dad passing away. A nicer guy the JCC league has never known. Todd, we are all thinking of you and your family.

A double whammy of happy news for our own Roger Rosenthal as he celebrated a birthday and an anniversary this week.

The Rothsteins also celebrated an anniversary. No word on if Linda had to pull Mike away from arguing with an ump or his own team to determine where they were going to dinner.

Dan Bernstein celebrated a birthday as well this week

Congrats to Albert Wesibrot. He has a great voice and has sung the National Anthem at Reds, UC and even XU games. He did a wonderful job on Tuesday night before the Reds/A’s game. The fact that there might be more people at our games watching wasn’t lost on Jeff. Apparently, Albert also sang the National Anthem at the Reds/Rays game last year that had the fewest fans in the history of GABP. Way to go, Albert!!

If you’d like to be entertained, the next time you see David Weil ask him to speak Mandarin. We, of course, asked him if he knew cuss words, and he told us plenty and said the big difference is that in China they cuss at you and then add on, “For eternity” so you will also be cursed in the afterlife. Good times.

With the holidays coming up please make sure you order from Sweet Butter Bakery the best Jewish bakery in the city.  Sweet Butter Bakery (

Make sure you sign up for the Oy Vey 5K. Once again all the money raised goes back to the Blue Jays program.

As you all know Team Brafman employs a couple of the older guys in the league in Jerry and Eppy. I am continued to be amazed by how they can still compete with all of us. Which brings me to my all-time favorite singer/artist, Neil Young. As Mark Weisser knows since he had tickets this summer to see him in Chicago and I had tickets to see him in Louisville half way through his tour, he canceled the rest of it due to health reasons. Until this week we didn’t know why. Turns out that a 77-year old with two guys in his band that are 80 can’t play two-and-a-half hour sets non-stop of hard rocking music. More or less he said that his body just didn’t feel up for it. Let’s hope that he will be Rockin’ in the Free World soon and that our older guys continue to play for as long as they can.

My Reds rant of the week is pretty simple. They stink! The front office is clueless as to how to fix it and the medical staff should be fired. Since every Reds prospect is the next Willie Mays or Aaron Judge let’s review that former #2 overall pick in the draft Nick “Mr. Tin” Senzel was released by the White Sox this week. Yes, he couldn’t even make it with the team that is moving to become the worst team in MLB history.  But hey, last year when they were in first place at the All-Star break, we “liked our team” and didn’t want to trade the next Senzel or Brandon Larson or John Lamb or of course Chad “Picked before Derek Jeter” Mottola. Why all of us invest so much of our time into this organization is beyond me. 

See everyone on Wednesday for the last regular season game of the year. 
