Game Results: October 20, 2021


October 19 Recap

By Marc Brafman


It was another amazing night weather wise for the fall league. Let’s hope this weather picks up next spring. Sure, there was the normal October chill and weed smell in the air, but hey, it’s better than monsoon season in July, right? 


Let’s get to the action. 


Over on Field Two it was Kamrass vs Fogel.


Micah chimes in:


Team Kamrass lost to Team Fogel in the first game. Nothing interesting happened except Mark Tenenholtz hit another ball over the fence.

Game 2 was an all-time JCC softball Classic. Trailing by 8 runs in the top of the 5th, Team Kamrass came roaring back with a 14-run inning to ultimately win the game. Every single player on the team got at least one hit in that inning. Highlights included a laser off the bat of Bryce Anslinger that was still going up when it cleared the fence. Also, Kombrink, Creemer, and Marvelous Mr. Mendel got back-to-back-to-back singles and scored the tying and go ahead runs. Super sub, James Swan, had a couple of triples and some nice plays on defense.

In the field, Micah Kamrass out Fogeled Jeremy Fogel with a diving catch in the outfield that turned into a double play. Mark Tenenholtz made an admirable debut at shortstop, and Ken Groh came through with key pitching and hitting to lock down the win.


On Field One it was Team Leader/Loon vs. Team Bad News Bears


Anton and company jumped all over the Chico’s Bail Bonds Sponsored Team Solomon in game one, winning 15-1. While the normal guys David “The Event King of Cincinnati” Wertheim, Anton, Ryan “Hi Ho” Silverman and Greg Leader all contributed, it was the monster hits by Peter Brownell and Matthew Leader that stuck out. Peter hit one off the fence and Matthew pulled one down the LF line that one-hopped the fence while also playing very good defense. “We like where our team is,” Leader said post game. “The only thing I currently think more about than this team is my award-winning skeleton displays in my front yard. Kudus go out to Jamie for his continued dominance on the mound.”


Team Buttermaker decided to change things up in the second game and completely reversed their order. This seemed to confuse L/L as Team Tanner Boyle took the lead with some key hits from the bottom of the order as David “The Dr. of Style” Weil, The Mayor, Todd Wasserman Alex Karras and David “BP” Snyder got them on the board. But this isn’t Hollywood and Kelly Leak isn’t coming through that door anytime soon. Despite back-to-back home runs by Stu (an absolute bomb that landed shortly after the Kamrass/Fogel game ended) and Harry “Hood” Meisner, Team Leader/Loon soon took the lead. Once again it was the normal guys who got the big hits for Team Leader/Loon, but the big hit was a 2-out 2-run single to break the game open in the bottom of the 4th by Jared Wallerstein. “Not only does Jared have a very solid mustache, he also has been a very solid player for us,” Loon said.   The 6-run lead was too much for Rudy Stein and company to overcome and they lost 10-5. “We played our best out there,” Stu Buttermaker said after the game. “Unfortunately, our best isn’t very good at the moment. To make matters worse I hurt my ankle running the bases, but never fear. I’ve got Timmy Lupus ready to sub for me next week.” 


The food at the new field is surprisingly good. I would suggest the chicken quesadilla. The fries are tasty as well. It goes well after you’ve gotten a contact high from the weed smell on the field.  


Let’s all keep former player and all-around good guy Ben Sandor in our thoughts. His wife is battling cancer and he could use all the good vibes we can muster.


A lot of anniversaries (weddings) for the guys. The Special One, Mike Rothstein,  The Mayor Todd Wasserman, Rick Lefton, and I’m sure I’m missing a couple of others. Congrats guys…


We are less than a month away from the Oy Vey 5K that helps out Mr. Mike and the Blue Jays program. Please sign up to run or walk in the event and even more importantly please pass the info along to your friends and family who would also like to enter. Free food, a cool t-shirt, music by Rick’s BFF DJ Toad and more will be available for you.  Go to  to register.  Thanks in advance.


Can you explain to me why baseball teams celebrate winning the wild card round or even the NL/AL DC rounds with champagne and jumping around on the field? Do NFL and NBA teams do this when they win the wild card round? No! They go back to the locker room and think we haven’t won JACK yet, why would we celebrate? I don’t get this. Of course, since it was 31 years TODAY since the Reds won the World Series and over 9000 days ago since they won a playoff series, I guess if either of those happen in our lifetime again I would celebrate like a fool as well. 


In other things that I can’t explain, why do people get so worked up over a college football poll in October? Don’t get me wrong I’m both thrilled and amazed that UC is ranked #2 in the country, but does it really matter on Oct. 20? If we are ranked #2 on December 20 I will get excited. Also, to David Wertheim who says that UC shouldn’t be ranked that high, I’d like to remind him that UC has the second best road win of the season by any team with only Oregon beating OSU in Columbus being better. Final UC thought…one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a while was another OSU homer, Joey Gallaway, saying that UC’s win over ND wasn’t that great because quote “ND has a loss.” Yeah, to UC you moron…


Speaking of morons how about the Washington St. coach who got himself fired because he won’t get vaccinated?  Now he is suing them because they fired him with cause. Buddy you’ve known since at least July this would happen and you’ve not explained yourself or given one good reason why you should get a religious exemption.  I guess 3 million and being the highest paid state of Washington employee wasn’t enough to convince you to get a shot that billions of people across the world have gotten. Oh, and if their trainer was another like the training staff at UC who has continually kept our entire department up to date on Covid and vaccines, then double shame on you. If you trust your training staff with your players’ health but not your own, what does that say about you? 


Mel Brooks is writing History of the World Part II. I just hope Jews In Space is included.


Finally, I haven’t picked on Roger in a while, but he did leave me a 1:20 second message the other day. Next week I’ll be happy to play it for you.