Game Results: May 18, 2017


*TEAM LEADER continued their winning ways as they won their third straight game with a 9-1

victory over TEAM WEISSER……

GREG LEADER reports…..

The team played near perfect defense keyed by SS ZACH MAYER showing he is an early candidate

for Defensive Player Of The Year…..STU WEINSTEIN walked only one batter and gave up a handful

of hits…….DAN GREEN, back in the league after a long absence, hit hit first home run of the

season…..MICHAEL ASKIN hit a triple and tried to stretch it into a home run, but was thrown out in

a controversial call……

In other action……

**TEAM GROH goes to 4-1 as they defeated previously undefeated TEAM LEFTON, 17-7….

KEN GROH reports……

“It was another great team effort.”……

Offensive highlights included…..AARON LINN with three hits and three runs scored, SCOTT

FRIEND had three hits and five RBI, RYAN BAUM and RICK TENNENHOLTZ each had three hits

apiece….GROH had four hits, three RBI, scored three times and had a walk…….BRAD WAGNER

scored four times….NOAH GILBERT had three RBI and finally, his brother, the pride of WYOMING

HIGH SCHOOL, DAN GILBERT got on base all five times and made a great diving catch to end a


**TEAM SOLOMON recorded their first victory of the season with a 12-0 clubbing of TEAM


STU SOLOMON reports………

RANDY BROYLES, in only his second season pitching, had a wonderful pitching performance with

the help of wily veteran STEVE ZAWATZKY behind the plate……SOLOMON had the defensive play

of the game with an over the shoulder, back completely turned catch in short LCF…..the most critical

play (if you can have one in a 12-0 game) was turned in by rookie EVAN GILDENBLATT as he

stopped a sharply hit grounder to his left that prevented any chance of a potential rally…..On the

offensive side, rookie JACK ALBERS was 2-2 with his first home run of the season……