Game Results: September 2, 2021


September 1 Recap

By Marc Brafman


On a picture-perfect night for softball, we finished the 2021 season with a bang as Team Grefer battled Team Kamrass for the post season title. Like I mentioned last week it was a fitting end to a great season as Grefer won the first half title and Kamrass shocked the JCC softball world by winning the 2nd half. Thank you to all the players, captains and umps for a great season. I know I’m not just speaking for myself, but I look forward to the softball season all year and I love being out at Triple Creek each week with all of you. Let’s get to the recaps.


First up is Micah:


In the battle of septuagenarian pitchers, Team Kamrass fell to Team Grefer. It was a real pitcher’s duel through five innings, with a score of 3-1, but then things fell apart for Team Kamrass in the 6th. Howie pitched an unbelievable game, as Team Kamrass was unable to get the bats going. After the game, Captain Micah Kamrass said “It was a hell of a season for our team, and by far the most enjoyable season I’ve ever had in the league. We were the Cinderella story. We are proud of our second-half championship and proud of making it to the title game. We congratulate everyone on Team Grefer (excluding sub, Stuart Solomon) on their victory.” 


Next Kyle for the victors:


We won 11-1 in a game that was much closer than the score would indicate. Wes and Tyler Wolf got us started in the first inning scoring two runs, the latter scoring off a big RBI hit from Brad Gallop. They then scored a run, and Scott Wolf made a huge diving catch in right field. Not to be outdone, Duff Wolf made a great scoop on a ground ball to first base that popped out of his glove, but he recovered to get the out at first. In the bottom of the 4th inning Brad Gallop led off with a hit and scored on a hit by Howie Schwartz. Going into the bottom of the 6th up 3-1, Dan Grefer got it started with a hit, and we batted around, scoring 8 runs to end the game. Some key hits in the inning were another line drive hit by Brad Gallop, a hard hit ball to right field by Howie to score 2 runs, a hard liner by Duff Wolf, and a 2 out hit by Eddie Gallop to bring up the top of the order. Dan started the inning and then ended it with a hit to score sub, Stu Solomon to end the game.


It was a complete effort as a team with Howie pitching one of his best games of the year, our defense not making a single error, and the bats woke up late to put the game away. MVP of the game was shared between Howie and Brad with neither of them making an out.


After the game the team celebrated at O’Bryon’s and Facetimed Dr. Bob Pelberg to share the news. He’s currently recovering after having a successful knee surgery a few hours before the game.


Congrats to both teams for a great season. 


I’m sure we were all impressed with the play of the Hamilton team in the Little League World Series but let’s be honest these two kids are the biggest winners:


I would like to formally invite Bishop Sycamore into our league next year. We should look for expansion like the SEC and what better group of guys than Bishop Sycamore?


A couple of notable anniversaries this week: Howard “kona ice” Goldwasser has been married for 25 years and somehow Roger has been married for 29 years! Give that woman a bobble head as the best wife of all time.


Former player Mike Kahan was named as one of Cincinnati “Super Lawyers” just beating out Jimmy Lefton and all of the other lawyers in the league.


For you Ted Lasso fans out there, did you know the actor who plays Roy Kent is Jewish? Does that mean that he makes the list in the single greatest moment in Jewish movie history:


The Oye Vey 5K is set for Nov. 7th with the money going towards the Blue Jays program. Please sign up. It’s only 36 bucks and you’d be really helping out the J. If you need more info please call me (513) 375-4137 or e-mail at 


If you still want to play fall league, Ryan Hi-Ho Silverman is still taking names so reach out to him. 


Finally, as this is the final blog of this season, a huge tip of the cap to Rick the Commish who is handing over the reins to someone new next season. Rick led us through the weirdest year ever last season and did so without missing a beat. We’ll miss his quiet leadership and steady hand in dealing with all of us. Thanks, Rick for everything. The next guy has some big shoes to fill. 


Keep checking the web site and blog for updates on the ASG and the post season awards.