Game Results: June 30, 2016


MARK WEISSER came back strong after missing a game and behind a pretty solid defense shut out TEAM FOGEL, 9-0, as he allowed only two hits and never was in trouble….

The victors bounced back after their first loss on Sunday by grabbing an early lead and adding onto it and never letting up….

The offense was spread over the entire line-up as everyone chipped in from the WOLF PACK…..SCOTT….DUFF….WES….TYLER….FREDDIE to RYAN SMALL….BRAD WAGNER….ROGER ROSENTHAL…..MARK LEVINE…..SAM HELDMAN and WEISSER…..and even TEDDY KANTOR got a “single” to LCF only to be thrown out on a close play….

On the defensive side, HELDMAN once again played a great LF as he went into foul territory to catch one and WES WOLF returned to old form at SS after a tough last game……

STAR SIGHTINGS…….Ex-players were in attendance on this lovely evening……DAVE WERNICK….HOWARD GOLDWASSER…..MARK GORDON and AARON COMPTON……