Game Results: July 23, 2021


July 21 Recap

By Marc Brafman


Sorry for the delay. It stinks when work gets in the way of recaps, right? But better late than never…so on a great night for softball. Let’s go to the recaps:


It was an unusual night as all but one of the matchups had a split in the games vs. a sweep


On field One we had Team Groh taking on Team Stu


Ken leads off:


Randy Broyles and Mike Gray were locked in a good old-fashioned pitcher’s duel. Michael Askin had several hits and scored the 1st run to make it 1-0. Bryce Anslinger drove in a pair for a 2-1 lead. In the top of the 5th, Team Solomon struck with two outs to tie and take the lead 4-3. With 2 on and no outs, the Mad Hungarian, Jason Faust, hit what we will call a swinging bunt to advance the runners. Then Zach Michelson hit a single and Anslinger slid into home with the winning run for the 5-4 victory! The return of Jason Faust was the highlight of the night for Captain Groh. “It was it was great to see him on the diamond again,” Ken said postgame. “He struggled a bit but had his normal flair we all love and gave it his all even though it was quite the workout. He even tried to pitch a few innings in the 2nd game!”


In game two, Stu’s team won. We did hear that Faust was trying to break the speed record for fastest inning by quick pitching and not letting his defense get ready. Randy “Tex” Broyles was quoted post game as saying “I was not even set and I look up and the ball was going towards the plate” Slow down, big fella! 


On field two we had Team Weisser vs. Team Schwartz


Roger leads off for Team Weisser:

GAME 1…….


The bats came alive for TEAM WEISSER as the whole team got into the act…..


Kudos go to…..HARRY MEISNER…..NORM FRANKEL…..JOSH ROSEN……DAVID WERTHEIM as they led the way…..


MARK WEISSER behind a solid defense with son, EVAN, catching, pitched a game that was never in doubt.




GAME 2…….


After trailing most of the game, TEAM WEISSER came back to tie the game in the top of the 5th inning with some key hits, only to lose in frustrating fashion in the bottom of the 6th inning….


“Damn. That was a great comeback, and it was a tough one to lose, but we showed some fight. I love that. We were down the entire game, but we came back,” the elder WEISSER commented after the game. “I’m proud of this team for coming back, but sometimes things just don’t turn out right at the end.”


DAVID WERTHEIM took the loss hard, “I need to play better. I’m counted on in the big moments and I didn’t produce the way I know I can.”


ROGER ROSENTHAL, the team’s emotional leader, took WERTHEIM aside afterwards and said, “David. You had a heck of a game at shortstop, and you can’t make all the plays. This is a team game and we all need to do our jobs. You’ll be back.”


WERTHEIM gave ROSENTHAL a hug that lasted a full 30 seconds and said, “I needed that. I needed a little love.”


Let’s hear from Capt. Taylor for his reaction:


Team Weisser took on Team Schwartz in a battle of 9 v. 9.


Game 1 was all Team Weisser as their offense was led by Josh Rosen and Harry Meisner. Mark Weisser pitched a great game, and they played all around solid defense, anchored by David Wertheim. First base coach Roger Rosenthal was extremely valuable as he yelled “Touch ‘em all!” on every base hit by his team. Good thing they didn’t listen to him. Evan Weisser threw out multiple runners behind the plate. The final was 11-4, Weisser.


Game 2 was more competitive as the four subs for Team Schwartz settled in. Zach Mayer played fantastic defense at short, Mike Rothstein was wonderful at 3rd, and Keith Kombrinck was stellar at first, making several scoops and difficult stretches. Pete Soltesz had a 3-run home run for the 2nd consecutive week (it was a single, but a JCC homer) to give Schwartz a 5-1 lead. Weisser came all the way back, plating 3 runs in the top of 5 to tie the game. However, the go ahead run got thrown out at home plate by a wide margin.


Tied 5-5 in the bottom of 5, sub Eric Cronstein was at 1st base with 2 outs when newcomer sub George “of the jungle” Peck drove a liner into the deep gap which looked to be the walk-off hit. As speedster Eric rounded 3rd, he could have crab walked to home plate, but instead took a stumble halfway down the line. He finally got up and tried to make a dive for home, but the slow trickling ball beat him for the out, sending the games to extras. Team Weisser had new life and took advantage, plating 3 runs in the top of the frame. A key hit by Kombrinck flipped the order to the top of the lineup with 2 outs, trailing by 2. Consecutive hits by Rothstein, Soltesz, and Zach Mayer, brought up Adam Cronstein, who delivered a screaming line drive to bring in the winning run and walk-off for Team Schwartz in dramatic fashion in one of the craziest games in JCC history.


After the game, winning pitcher Jamey Kurtzer had this to say to sideline reporter Rachel Nichols: “I’ve never seen such madness, which is saying something for the JCC league. I was on my way to get a White Claw to celebrate, and then I saw Eric lying on the ground. I think he had the over, and took us to extras on purpose”


Side note: Tensions got high as many words were exchanged between David Wertheim and many members of Team Schwartz. Captain Weisser even got into the action as he taunted Soltesz. “You’re 25 years older than him, grow up!” It’s only a 13-year difference, Mark. Get it straight. Will be interesting to follow as Wertheim is subbing for Schwartz next week. Stay tuned. (Vegas odds in a boxing match: Soltesz -300 / Wertheim +250).


On field three, it was Team Grefer vs. Team Lefton:


Kyle files his report


We beat team Lefton in both games to bring the win streak up to 9 and win the first half. I’m incredibly proud of my team after starting the season 1-2 to come back and take the first half title.


The first game was 8-0, in a complete team effort. Howie was hitting his spots all night to keep them off balance, and we were able to back him up with consistently great defense. Duff Wolf made a nice catch running back on a ball at first base, and the rest of the Wolf’s carried the offense with Wes, Tyler, and Scott all going 3 for 3.


In the second game the final score was 9-4, with Howie again pitching really well. It was a close game until the 4th inning when we batted around and scored 5 runs. Scott Wolf again reached base 3 times, Gary Grefer and Duff Wolf each had 2 hits, and the top of our order was again solid with only three combined outs for our top 4 batters (me, Wes, Tyler, and Dan Grefer). David Solomon also subbed and made a few nice catches in left field. Howie also helped himself at the plate going 2 for 3 in both games.

Congrats to Team Grefer for winning the first half


Finally on field 4 it was Team Loon vs. Team Brafman


Anton goes first: We beat Team Brafman 15-7 in the first game to ruin their chances of a first half title. We jumped on them early in game one batting around in the first inning. The big blow was a 3-run triple by Camden Kirzner, and I had a big gap hitting double. Our entire lineup came ready to play and we jumped on them early. Other than a HUGE And I mean HUGE two run homer by Mark “Big Blue” Tenenholtz, we did a good job of keeping them off the bases. Kudos to Jerry “Doc” Kirzner for playing great defense behind the plate and super sub, Greg Leader, who dug out a couple of throws at first. Capt Brafman had this to say post game: “I blame myself for this loss. Putting myself in RC was not a smart move because once we shifted Pat “Sunshine” Feldman back we kept it even. I’m proud of the way my team battled all first half we just came up short today.”


In the second game Team Brafman rebounded and won 14-11

We really rebounded nicely in the second game Brafman said. Big hits came from Rabbi Yitz, Sam “The Hitman” Hecht (who got the game ball for going 3-3 and making a great diving stop at 2nd) and Zach “The Wild Horse” Zakem who I believe went 6-6 in the two games. Mark T made his usual great defensive plays in the outfield and the Macho Man Andrew Gage and Ben “Raindance” Rosenberg also made some nice plays in the field. Shout out to Both Eric Zied and Fink for their pitching in both games. 


Let’s hope this was the last week of double headers for the year…


League notes:

Roger starts first 


The after-game meals were missing something this evening. STEVE EPPSTEIN wasn’t there to treat his buddies to wings, chips and whatever else he orders……he’ll be back next week……thank goodness for that… the way, what do you think he does on a bye week????????


**MARK WOLF, a veteran of many seasons, who hung up his glove and bat a few years ago, dropped in to see his buddies……He had some stories to tell about the good old days……and of course, he picked on ROGER ROSENTHAL about his gouging of prices on his bobbleheads……”Man. You talk about high prices. He pays $2 for a $20 bobblehead. Not a bad markup.”



***GRIFF HARRIS was heard before the game bragging about one of his favorite non-Reds players, JOC PEDERSON, who hit a homerun in his first game as an Atlanta Brave……who cares!


*****Finally, DAVID WEIL needs to apply for the next Reds manager job and hire BRAFMAN and former JCC star BILLY KAHN to coach… seems like they have all the answers….lol


As noted above it was great to see Jason “The Mad Hungarian” back out on the field the other night. Just remember next time slow down a little when you’re pitching.


Scott “Shorty” Adams has been on vacation on what looks like a dude ranch this year. I can only image his nights out there are something like this:


Let’s all wish Eric Goldstein a speedy recovery from his big trip over the baseline the other night.


Once again, contact Sam “The Hitman” Hecht if you want your baked good delivered to the field as he will be happy to do so


Get your running shoes on this Nov. I have been tasked to lead the Oy Vey 5K race at the JCC. It’s for a great cause so I will be in touch with more details soon. All kidding aside if you want to run or walk it (or know people that do) please start spreading the word. 


Later this week or early next Team USA led by Todd Fraizer and Matt Kemp takes on Team Israel in baseball at the Olympics. What’s interesting about Team Israel is that their 3rd base coach played at UC with Youk and recruited many of the American players for the team. I’m just glad that one game wonder Ryan Lavarnway is on Team Israel. 


Speaking of the Olympics, while the games are on late stay up to watch the women’s softball. I love watching the Ladies World Series (mainly because Alabama is really good) but the speed and skill with which they pitch and field is amazing to me. 


Roger mentioned it above but speaking for myself, David “The Doctor of style” Weil and Billy Kahn I do believe the 3 of us could do a better job of running the Reds. David Bell continues to get the short end of the straw this year and while no one will say he’s the next Sparky Anderson the Reds continue to do him no favors. The latest is how they are handling Nick Castellanos. Last Friday he got hit in the hand with a pitch in the 3rd inning. Since that time he has played a half inning in the field and came up to bat with the game on the line on Monday where he swung one handed and flew out to the warning track.  A smart team would have given him a day, maybe two, to see if his hand feels better before putting him on the DL. Do the Reds do that? Nope instead they give Bell a short bench which forced him to play Mikey Biceps in the field (resulting in him getting hurt) and pinch hitting a PITCHER with the bases loaded because they didn’t have any other players. On top of that Bell has to run out a collection of bums, has beens and never should be’s night after night in the bullpen and pray that they can A) throw strikes B) keep the ball in the yard C) not spike themselves… It’s such a disservice what the ownership and front office has done to both Bell and all of us. Between me, David and Billy our first thing we’d do is bench Geno Suarez or if we can’t do that then hit him 9th. That’s right after the pitcher. None of us could fail at our job like he has done this year and still be employed. We all love Geno but man he’s been terrible. Next, I would outright release Jeff Hoffman, Sean Doolittle and Mike Freeman and bring up either rookies from AAA or AA. I’d rather see Lopez or Max Schrock hit than Freeman. And no team serious about winning employees Hoffman who can’t throw strikes or get anyone out when he does. 

So, there you have it, Roger. 


See you guys out on the field next week
