Game Results: May 28, 2021


May 26 Recap (Rainout)

By Marc Brafman


As you all know I have been vocal in the past about the rainout line and how it gets used. This week we were all baffled as to why the games were called off so early in the afternoon when we all know that we’ve A) played in worse weather and B) that they haven’t called off games when they should. Never fear the Commish is on the job. Commish Rick had this to say to the Israelite press on Thursday morning. 


“After much soul searching, I have decided to put together a top-notch multi-team committee to look into this outrage of justice about why the game was cancelled. Roger Rosenthal and Ken Groh need answers now and I plan on helping them out. The committee will be made up of chairman, Adam Cronstein, and members Cory Norris, Riley “The Big Man” Able, Andy “snowboots” Heldman and Scott Berge.” Adam had this to say “We have no idea why the staff at Triple Creek cancelled our games so quickly. The Softball Association of America, the umpires, sponsored by the Clovernook School for the Blind, and the JCC were all monitoring social media all day about the weather. We knew that it was going to stop raining around 2:00 PM. Why did we know this and the Triple Creek people didn’t?” That is what we are going to get to the bottom of. With this being 2021 nothing is easy and Commish Rick and Chairman Adam are getting some heat from the likes of Ben “B-Rod” Rodriguez and Alan Lessure who both say there is no need for a committee meeting on this. “Look we know that the weather is fickle, and our games are always up in the air each week.” Why do we care why the games were cancelled? The guys at Triple Creek just wanted to go home and not worry about the games, and it didn’t matter that the radar looked fine and clear to everyone. All they saw was rain…  Adam will report back next week with any findings he comes up with. 


Speaking of B-Rod, he is the new Richard Simmons of the league. he has lost over 100 pounds and looks great out in the field this season. Well done, buddy.


Big shout out to Former JCC All Star infielder Ben “Weezy” Lefton on his son pitching Mason to the district championship yesterday. He might be able to teach his uncle Jimmy a thing or two about pitching.


Dr. Bob has gone from helping Eppy with his wing consumption at the Silver Spring House to joining the cast of Project Runway. Dr. Bob is not a fan of Yermin Mercedes and all his gold chains that he is wearing during the games. “Dude looks like Mr. T out on the field. And not the cool Mr. T from Rocky III but the cartoon version from the A-Team. (off subject, but if you haven’t started watching the Wrestling docs that are on A&E each week you are missing out. The one on Rowdy Roddy Pipper was outstanding. He HATED Mr. T and refused to take the pin fall at Wrestlemania 1 to him. I might be the only one who finds that interesting. Now back to the blog)


Shout out to Scott “Shorty” Adams who instead of going to see Phish at Deer Creek outside of Indy is going to see them in Vegas. “I’m just glad that I can hook up with my buddy Dick Nickelson when I hit the Vegas strip Shorty said. We love a 30-minute-long Tweezer out in the Desert Sun as much as the next Phish fan”. No word on if Shorty will be selling grilled cheese out of his car at this show.


I don’t understand all the hubbub over Phil winning the PGA at 50. Don’t CBS and the rest of the sports world know that we’ve got guys 20+ years older than Phil playing well in our league? I think that is about comparable, right?


Cowboy Joe West broke the legendary ump Bill Klem’s record for most games umpired this week. He started umping MLB games in 1975, and is still going strong. He should be ready for our league in about 10 years when he is old enough to qualify to be an ump. 


Sweetbutterbakery has branched into cookies now. Make sure you check out the web site the next time you are in the mood for some really good baked goods.


Robert Plant of Led Zepplin fame recently told his family they can release all of his archives which include demos and handwritten notes, etc. after he is dead. Why would he wait that long? And why doesn’t he want people to hear this stuff now? I know I for one can’t sleep at night if I can’t hear the demo of Stairway to Heaven. 


 Big shout out to Weston “Hungry like a “Wolf and his girlfriend Haley for getting engaged last week. I called them the “First couple of JCC softball” because, and with all respect to the wives of the Fogels, Rothsteins, Leftons and the Norris’s who come to watch us play, Haley would come before they were engaged. Now she would bring a book and read most of the night (she strongly recommends “Cable TV is for Me” by Bo Diaz and the leaflet of Famous Jewish Sports Legends with the forward by Kevin Youkilis and Aly Reisman) but at least she came when she didn’t have to. Congrats, guys. We are all happy for ya.


You all will be happy to know that Roger was not in fact banned from Target like many other collectors of baseball and sports cards have been. When reached for comment he laughed and said “New stuff? I don’t buy anything new. Why would I buy new baseball cards?  My crowd is only interested in used t-shirts, Joe S”B”lunderman commemorative coins, 10-year-old Felipe Lopez bobbleheads and random hockey cards that I only care about. Now about that Martin St. Louis Calgary Flames card you asked about…”


Hopefully see you all on the field on Wednesday. Have a nice holiday weekend.
