Game Results: May 14, 2021

 May 12 Recap

By Marc Brafman


What a nice evening for softball (and sun) at Triple Creek. Maybe the weather is turning to our advantage before the bugs get here in a couple of weeks. I’m still waiting on anyone to tell us what it was like 17 years ago. I can’t imagine it is going to be easy with all of them flying around…

Onto the action. 


On field one it was Team Groh taking on Team Schwartz with Groh winning 12-11


Another week and another nail biter for Team Groh. Jeremy Fogel, Scott Friend and Ken Groh had extra base hits to put a 3 spot up in the 1st but Team Schwartz tied it in the bottom of the inning. Jim Beckett and Zach Michelson had a single and double to start the 2nd as Todd drove in Jim for a brief 4-3 lead. Schwartz broke open the game with timely hits to take an 8-4 lead after 2. After a brief team meeting, Team Groh had 6 straight hits except for a SF from the captain and Jeremy, Scott, Marc and Ryan scored to tie the game up at 8. Team Schwartz scored 1 to take a 9-8 lead. After a scoreless 4th for both teams Ryan Baum and Bryce Anslinger had 1 out singles and scored off rbi’s from Jim and Zach to put Groh ahead 10-9. In the top of the 6th with 2 outs Jeremy Fogel got HBP then Scott Friend capped his best night of his softball life my hitting a homerun over the left field fence to complete the CYCLE!!! Team Schwartz got 2 back in the bottom of the 6th to cut the lead to 12-11. Each team couldn’t plate any runs in the 7th and Groh squeaked out another one. 


I am wishing Jeremy Fogel a speedy recovery as he nearly broke his ankle tonight…


On Field 2 it was Team Weisser vs. Team Kamrass with Team Weisser winning 10-8

First Cap. Weisser chimes in:

So we won 10-8. We were up 10-2 and gave up 6 in the bottom of the seventh. There was a nasty collision on the base paths on the last play of the game between base runner Micah Kamrass and David Wertheim but everyone is ok.


Josh Rosen went 4-4 and scored 4 runs. Harry Meisner with a big 2 RBI single in the sixth. Also hitting well were David Wertheim, Sam Castellini and myself.  Very good defense throughout.

and from Roger:

One thing is clear in this league, that it’s never over until the final out……


TEAM WEISSER led by the great pitching of captain MARK WEISSER, played flawless defense for six innings except for a couple of misplays and built up what seemed like a commanding 10-2 lead heading into the bottom of the seventh inning, when the wheels fell off and the team was sweating bullets. A miscue in the outfield and the sun playing a factor on throws to first base, TEAM KAMRASS put the tying runs on base with two outs, but WEISSER got the final out on a pop up on the left side that had 3B NORM FRANKEL and SS DAVID WERTHEIM both calling for the ball only to have MICAH KAMRASS run into WERTHEIM in the base paths, but FRANKEL ended up catching the ball to end the game……


The injured recent OHIO STATE graduate, WERTHEIM, laid on the ground for a good ten minutes while LARRY NEWMAN, the only doctor available, looked him over and got him up on his own power….

“Did we win the game?” WERTHEIM asked while still on the ground.


On the offensive side, hitting stars included JOSH ROSEN, WERTHEIM, SAM CASTELLINI, and  HARRY MEISNER.


KUDOS also goes out to EVAN WEISSER, son of MARK WEISSER, who was forced into catching the entire game and did an admirable job. “Catching isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Those base runners didn’t dare try to steal on me or else I would have gunned their ass out,” the younger WEISSER said after the game.


On field 3, it was Team Brafman taking on Team Solomon and the sun. Brafman won 17-13


In a back and forth slug fest Team Brafman came out on top 17-13. Mark Tenenholtz was the star of the game both on offense and defense last night for Team Brafman. Not only did he make three outstanding catches in LC but he gunned down two runners on the bases. “Mark put on one of the best  performances I’ve seen in my 7 years in the league last night Capt. Brafman said. His throw to 3rd would have made Dave Parker proud I don’t think Mitch even moved his  glove.” Other good glove work from Team Brafman came from Sam “The Hitman” Hecht in RF, The Commish Rick T behind the plate,  “Playboy” Mitch Evans at 3rd, who turned a 5-3 DP with Brafman to end an inning and Fink who covered first base and beat Tyler “Bryce Harper” Stansbury to first on a rocket shot to first. On offense Rabbi Yitz, Andrew “The Macho Man” Gase, Eric “Fastest Guy in the League” Zied and Ben “Raindance” Rosenberg also contributed. Not to be overlooked in the win was the overall hustle of Alan “Family Truckster” Lessure. Not only did he leg out an infield FC but he was able to motor over to third (when he wasn’t rolling around in the dirt) and score on a single to RF. Alan, we hope your leg is feeling better. 

Team Brafman improves to 3-1 and looks forward to playing the 4-0 Team Groh next week.


Finally over on field 4 it was Team Grefer vs. Team Loon. Grefer won 14-1.

9:55 AM (1 hour ago)

We defeated Team Loon 14-1 in 6 innings. This was our most complete effort as a team so far this year. Howard Schwartz pitched a great game, with the only run scoring on a defensive miscue on a first and third steal. Wes Wolf played a great shortstop making throws from deep in the hole (with Duff making a couple great stretches at first) and hit a homerun. Everyone on the team was hitting, but notable performances were Bob Pelberg with 3 hits, Brad Gallop with a double over the left fielder, Dan Grefer with 6 RBI’s, and Tyler Wolf with some key hits and solid plays in left center


League notes:

If you haven’t signed up for Jewish night at the Reds please do so. Talk to Rick Lefton for the details. It’s a fun night and maybe Ken Holtzman, Youk and Brad Asmus will show up.

For those of you that don’t read the Israelite (And shame on you since there is usually about half an article worth reading) the web site to donate to Justin Berg and his wife Lauren is 

Speaking of the Israelite, fun to see Stu Solomon in there advertising for his company. What better way to reach the old Jewish folks of Cincy than through that?

As mentioned above a huge shout out to Scott “Why can’t we be” Friend(s) for hitting for the cycle last night. What’s amazing to me is that no Reds player has hit for the cycle since Eric Davis on June 2, 1989 (which was 8 days before my Bar Mitzvah). Since then the Reds have thrown 3 no-hitters, won the world series, had a guy hit 4 homers in a game employed some of the worst MLB players and managers of all time and yet no one else has hit for it. Well done Scott.

Big shout out to Even Gildenblatt for graduating law school-also for rocking that non baseball hat-hat. Looking good!

I’ve never been one to root against the USA in international sports but I might start if Homer Bailey makes the US Olympic baseball team. Go Cuba!

It’s pretty cool to see all of the guys in the league post pictures of their kids graduating high school or college. The latest was Eddie Gallop, whose daughter just graduated from Miami of Ohio.

And for those of us who have younger kids, bring them to the games. They can join Team Brafman-Creeger for games of toss and being the ball boys. I can remember as a kid watching my dad play in the old league and it will help get the younger generation excited about the league when we are too old to play.

With the opening of the new FCC stadium in the West End on Sunday I still don’t understand where 20K people are going to park once it opens up 100%. It’s the reason the Reds left Crosley to go to the River. It’s great that they are putting it in the West End and the stadium looks amazing but where is everyone going to park?

I have no idea what type of car it is but if you are friends with former All Star First Basemen Joel “The Wrath of” Kahn on Facebook check out a picture of his ride. It looks more and more like the batmobile each week 

If you haven’t seen Eppy eat wings you are missing out. I thought Dr. Bob was going to have a heart attack watching Ep order the wings let alone at all of them last night.

Is it me or are the 9 Capt. in our league better than David Bell? Yesterday in the 10th inning the Reds were ahead 2-1. Due to Bell using up all of his bench guys earlier in the game like he tends to do, he had to pinch hit Wade “Mr. No-No” Miley. The bases were loaded and there were no outs. The Pirates pitcher had just walked a guy to load the bases. Isn’t the smart play to tell Miley to just stand there and not swing so as to not hit into a DP? If you strike out fine then you have real hitters (in theory) behind you where a fly ball would bring in the run. Of course Miley takes the first two pitches for balls then swings away and pops out to 3rd. What dumb strategy is that? I know that Jimmy or Mark would not have had Miley swinging away

Finally if you want the best Jewish baked goods in town I’m telling you is the way to go

In this week in Rogerland-I have to give him credit as he somehow came across a Jimi Hendrix bobblehead which I bought because hey why not? So thanks Rog you can keep your 1 cent XU Shirts but next time be on the look out for a Richie Havens or Link Wray. I’m your guy

See you on the fields next week!