Game Results: June 20, 2014


ESPN reports TEAM ROSENTHAL ownership might make some changes going into the second half of the season…..
Reports are that they are looking to sign DUSTY BAKER to an 8 game contract to try to shake things up with the team…….NO trade talks are in the works, however team scouts were reported at the other games trying to find players that could help turn their season around…….STAY TUNED!!!!!


Captain ADAM CRONSTEIN must have writer’s cramp after reporting his team’s recap (it took me five minutes to read)…….TEAM CRONSTEIN defeated TEAM WEISSER, 21-12,…….the rout was on early on when the victors struck for ten runs in the opening frame and it was clear sailing thereafter…..each player had at least two hits led by MICHAEL ASKIN, 4-5, with three triples and four runs scored….the ageless wonder JOHNNY BERG was 4-5….RABBI YITZI CREEGER was 4-5….KEN “KG” GROH, the winning pitcher, went 4-5…..DR. BRENT “THE UTILITY MAN” CARROLL was 3-4….MARK BLOOM, catching in place of veteran GARY ASKIN, was 3-4…..JEFF FINKELSTEIN went 3-5 and homered batting left-handed……JUSTIN “THE YOUNGER” BERG went 3-5 and made “possibly one of the most amazing catches ever in the JCC league” when he robbed ROY candidate ZACH MAYER when he sprinted back to the warning track and leaped to grab the ball……..

The winners have now won four out of their last five games due mainly to a total team effort at the plate, strong defense and the pitching of GROH……

Afterwards, CRONSTEIN stated, “We are starting to hit our stride.” They will be tested next week in a game for second place vs. TEAM LEADER…….