Game Results: May 9, 2014


At a closed door meeting late Thursday night, it was announced by the TEAM ROSENTHAL General Manager and team owner that ROGER ROSENTHAL will remain the captain until further notice and that STEVE EPPSTEIN will go back to the starting pitcher.

The team reportedly is giving ROSENTHAL until the end of the season to get his act together or he’ll be sent packing.

When asked about his status with the team, ROSENTHAL commented, “I picked this team with Steve as our pitcher and I have complete confidence in him and the team to rally out of this horrible streak we’re in.”

As for the ownership giving him a vote of confidence, ROSENTHAL said, “I really appreciate that because I don’t want to go back to selling bobbleheads and sports cards full time again.”
He added, “And I certainly don’t want to go back to the JCC and be a camp counselor again. I’m too old for that.”