Game Results: April 14, 2014

TEAM WEISBROT defeated TEAM CRONSTEIN, 22-10, behind an offensive onslaught…….after falling behind, 6-4, after one inning, the bats caught fire and the defense picked up behind winning pitcher STEVE ZAWATSKY…….TAYLOR SCHWARTZ went 5 for 5 including the “cycle”….. ALBERT WESIBROT, the team doctor, collected four hits including a two-run double……EVAN COHEN went 2 for 4 including the first legit homerun over the fence……others with multiple hit games were DAVE COHEN, TODD WASSERMAN, RICK TENENHOLTZ, ZAWATZKY……I thought pitchers couldn’t hit????, JEFF WEISBROT and sub DANIEL HIUDT……which Hiudt is he?……..