Monday June 28…..9:44 p.m….BRANDON GUTTMAN reported his teams’ 14-8 victory over TEAM KIRZNER…..the winners plated seven runs in the top of the 7th inning to pull out the victory….it should be noted that TEAM KIRZNER started the game with only nine players and had guys out of position….the game ball went to KEN “FEAR THE” FEHR, who not only hit again, but was even more impressive with his glove….also playing solid defense was ZAC “HYPHE” HIUDT, who BG proclaims will be a force to be reckoned with in years to come at the HOT corner….other hitting standouts included JOEY ”WHEELS” HIUDT going 3 for 4 with a stolen base and two runs scored, BG going 3 for 4 with a homerun, triple and 3 RBI’S and ANDY ”THE ANSWER”IGNATOW, who knocked in two runs…with one game remaining in the first half, TEAM GREFER is in great position to win the first half title as they play TEAM CRONSTEIN….both them and TEAM SCHWARTZ are tied for first place, however TEAM GREFER defeated HOWIE and CO. for the tiebreaker…..questions/comments……. ………….