Game Results: June 22, 2010

Tuesday June 22….11:31 a.m……TEAM GUTTMAN finally reported in on their 10-3 victory over TEAM SILVERMAN from last week….captain BRANDON GUTTMAN reports that the game summary was late in coming because of an official protest on a hit that should have been creditted to KEN “THE FEAR” FEHR that was initially recorded an error, but was finally overturned by COMMISSIONER MICHAEL ROTHSTEIN… for the game BG reports that great defense backed the fine pitching of “SUPER” STU WEINSTEIN….hitting stars were….ANDY “THE ANSWER” IGNATOW who improved his BA (batting average) to an amazing .786, yes….BG keeps the best stats in mankind….FEHR collected four hits as well and BG claims he hits the hardest singles in the league bar none and finally JARROD “J-ROD” HIUDT did it again with his usual hitting…TEAM GUTTMAN is 5-1 with a HUGE game this week vs. TEAM GREFER, 4-1,…..ESPN will carry the game with their Sunday night crew…..WOW!!!!!….that’s HUGE!!!!!!!….IT HAS BEEN POINTED OUT THAT THE GLARE ON THE WEBSITE MAKES IT HARD TO READ THE STORIES…..CAN SOMETHING BE DONE?…….stay tuned……comments/questions to…….