Thursday June 10…..11:35m….captain ADAM CRONSTEIN reported in with a game summary of his team’s come from behind 8-7 victory over TEAM KIRZNER….solid defense played a huge roll in the win as rookie ANDY GAGE played a flawless game at SS in place of the absent MATT STEINBERG….he also had three hits including a bunt hit that he circled the bases on due to a couple of throwing errors and two RBI’s….rookie MATT “COWBOY II” GOLDSCHMIDT had three hits and CRONSTEIN (the son)had two hits, one a homerun and three RBI’s….SCOTT KOTZIN, who received the game ball, had two hits including the game winner in the top of the 7th inning and caught every ball hit his way in the outfield….ROGER “ROGZILLA” ROSENTHAL had two defensive gems at 2B for his team as he robbed MARK WEISSER both times, the last one a soft liner over the second base bag that ended the game….kudos go to BRAD WAGNER for two fine catches in RCF to rob CRONSTEIN of extra bases….JOEL TSEVAT sent an e-mail to the BLOG saying he enjoyed seeing the rosters from the 1950 softball league and was surprised NOY to see RON ROSE’s name NOT on them….four members of the softball league were all at one place Thursday night coaching the J.C.C. BLUEJAYS 10-year olds in a baseball game….BRAD WAGNER (NOT IN UNIFORM), MIKE CREEMER, ROGER “ROGZILLA” ROSENTHAL and MARK “GORDY” GORDON were part of history as well as it is believed the first night game ever by a youth team in Cincinnati J.C.C. history….also a one in a million play happened during the game….if interested in the answer, either e-mail me or ask one of the coaches present on one of the wierdest plays ever in baseball (at any level) history….comments, questions to……