Monday May 10…..10:07 p.m….better late than NOT at all, I guess….BRANDON GUTTMAN reports his team’s 16-4 drubbing of TEAM EPPSTEIN…. the captain says that the whole team played well (what is he supposed to say?), but top performers were….ABE “LILITY” DAHAN going 3 for 3 with two runs scored and a stolen base….KEN “FEAR THE” FEHR had a triple and GUTTMAN’S prediction is that balls will begin to go MIA when this rookie steps to the plate….GARY “JUST ASKIN” went 2 for 3 with two runs scored and a stolen base….”SUPER” STU WEINSTEIN pitched a fine game allowing four runs in the first two innings and then shutting the opposition down after that……SCOTT “SHORTY” ADAMS coninues to find ways to get on base….maybe he’s paying someone off….BRAD WAGNER’S debut as head coach of the JCC BlueJays, a team of ten-year olds,didn’t get off to a great start though it looked good until the last inning….taking over the reins of the absent MARK “GORDY” GORDON, the BlueJays blew a three run lead in the bottom of the last inning….oh well!…….Get Well Wishes to DAN CRONSTEIN, still MIA, with a bad back….comments/questions…….