Game Results: May 1, 2010

Friday April 30…..11:17 p.m….STAR SIGHTINGS….HAL FINE, MARK WOLF, DAN CRONSTEIN, MARK GORDON and ROGZILLA ROSENTHAL were spotted at the Cyclones hockey game this evening….LAWRENCE KURTZMAN was a NO-SHOW at the game….ANTON LOON spotted driving his family in Blue Ash harrassing a certain person on the street (ask LOONY about it)….RON R0SE, BRAD WAGNER and ex-JCC softball star BARRY SNYDER were expected to eat at Ruby Tuesdays in Kenwood, but NO confirmation if it indeed happened and what they had for lunch and who paid….questions/comments………

2 Replies to “Game Results: May 1, 2010”

  1. There was a dirty old man with "X" hat standing in a non-pedestrian area next to the highway. He looked over and started trash talking and screaming expletives to my family and I. The kids were up all night with nightmares about him. It will take intense family therapy to get the thought of that "X" man out of their mind.

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