Friday April 30….4:29 p.m…..STAR SIGHTING…..(courtesy of RYAN KIRZNER)….BEREL COHEN is quoted in this morning’s Cincinnati Enquirer on Page D3….check it out…..back to the action from Wednesday night….TEAM KIRZNER defeated TEAM EPPSTEIN, 18-8, as strong pitching from veteran MARK WEISSER and some timely hitting provided the victory….hitting stars were aplenty as Commissioner MIKE ROTHSTEIN was 4 for 5 with five RBI’s and three runs scored; BRAD WAGNER went 3 for 5 with three RBI’s and rookie BILLY GRAY was 4 for 4 with three RBI’s and reached base all five plate appearances; DAN GLASSMAN, catching now instead of his normal second base spot in spite of being hit in the forearm in practice, went 4 for 5 in the lead-off spot scoring all four times and had two RBI’s …..TEAM EPPSTEIN, behind SCOTT WOLF, rookie ALEC BOCHNER (the better BOCHNER), captain STEVE EPPSTEIN and sub RON “ROCKET” NASSIF provided the offense to get TEAM EPPSTEIN back in the game after falling behind big early…..catcher ALAN “CAN I PLEASE RUN THE BASES WITH MY SHIN GUARDS ON” LESSURE was also instrumental with his base running (did I just type that?….the victors were able to withstand a late rally and put the game away in the 7th inning with four runs….with the victory it sets up an early season match-up with another undefeated team, TEAM