Thursday April 29….11:59 a.m….CONGRATS TO THE CYCLONES FOR ADVANCING TO THE CONFERENCE FINALS STARTING TOMORROW NIGHT VS. THE READING ROYALS….now to softball action from last night….first to report in is TEAM GUTTMAN and for good reason…..captain BRANDON “BK” GUTTMAN captured his first victory as a captain….after leading TEAM LOON, 6-1, and then falling behind 7-6, they wouldn’t be denied as they came back with four runs in the bottom of the fifth inning to secure the win….hitting stars were aplenty as JARROD “J-ROD” HIUDT went 3 for 3 with a homerun; SCOTT “SHORTY” ADAMS was 3 for 3; rookie CHRIS “REESE” RAFTERY, already being touted by his captain for Rookie Of The Year honors, was 3 for 3 with a triple and three RBI’s; ABE “ILITY” DAHAN went 2 for 3 with a stolen base and a run scored; BRANDON “BK” GUTTMAN was 3 for 3 with three stolen bases, three runs scored and two RBI’s and finally, “YOUNG GUN” JOEY HIUDT stole a another base and is proving that he he’s a force on the basepaths….kudos also go to ANDY A.I. IGNATOW, ZAC “HYPHE” HIUDT and KEN “FEAR THE” FEHR who turned a double play; and “SUPER” STU WEINSTEIN and battery mate GARY “JUST” ASKIN…..NOTE: if BRANDON “BK” GUTTMAN wants a second career, he can be my co-editor for THE BLOG a.k.a. he writes a lot….as of presstime this was the only game with information provided……other winners were TEAM SCHWARTZ, TEAM KIRZNER and TEAM GREFER…..comments, suggestions, etc…