Thursday April 22………..6:23 a.m…….under clear skies and warm tempatures, the 2010 JCC Softball League season got underway and there were some good games……TEAM LOON had the week off, but captain ANTON LOON still predicted before the season even began, “Look out for our team. We’re going to surprise again like last year.”….the once soft spoken LOON has issued the first trash talk of the young season……back to the games…..early reports of games into the newsroom at press time saw TEAM SILVERMAN with RYAN SILVERMAN, in his first season as captain, coming back from a nine run deficit to knock off veteran captain GARY GREFER and TEAM GREFER, 15-14, in an eight inning game…..the game ball went to the entire team as the whole squad chipped in with key hits in the victory….special mention goes to JOHNNY BERG, with his parents in attendance again, going 4 for 5, JOSH LISMAN,collecting three hits, and AARON COMPTON playing a stellar third base while also getting three hits….the rookies chipped in as well as MARK LEVINE had three hits, RUSSELL WHITE had two key hits and ERWIN NEUMAN played a solid shortstop……in other action TEAM KIRZNER blew TEAM LEFTON out 16-7….after jumping out to a 10-2 lead, TEAM LEFTON fought back with five in the 5th inning, but TEAM KIRZNER countered with five of their own in the top of the 6th inning and one more in the 7th to complete the scoring…….rookie EVAN COHEN was awarded the game ball collecting three hits……as of press time, the late game reports involving TEAM EPPSTEIN/TEAM CRONSTEIN and TEAM SCHWARTZ/TEAM GUTTMAN hadn’t been reported though TEAM SCHWARTZ defeated TEAM GUTTMAN, 4-0 AND TEAM CRONSTEIN knocked off TEAM EPPSTEIN, 16-7, as ADAM CRONSTEIN, another rookie captain, smelled victory right off the bat…….details on these games to follow when they become available…..AGAIN….players met afterwards at their favorite watering holes and had a good time…..comments/questions can be sent to……