Thursday September 10……….10:55 a.m………….the finals are set……TEAM SCHWARTZ vs. TEAM KIRZNER………TEAM SCHWARTZ defeated TEAM NEWMAN and TEAM KIRZNER knocked off TEAM FOGEL……..the only reported action at presstime is the TEAM KIRZNER victory……JOEL “SPARKY” FOGEL reported that his team jumped to a 4-0 lead in the opening frame thanks in a large part to a two-run two out triple by DAN “MR. PHILLY” GREEN……TEAM KIRZNER came back and took a 10-4 only to have TEAM FOGEL fall short in their comeback. losing 10-6……..FOGEL commented afterwards, “Injuries and a lack of a consistent line-up made for a tough season, but we ended the season playing our best softball.”……..afterwards, members of TEAMS NEWMAN, FOGEL and WERNICK gathered for one last time at a local eatery to BS thanks to GREG “GIG” FRANKLIN, who hosted the gathering……the real questions were……. did FOGEL stop off at the candy shop and where was STEVE “DONUT MAN” EPPSTEIN……..ROGER ROSENTHAL showed up wearing USC cap and shirt and was rudely welcomed by the mostly pro-Ohio State crowd…………………