Thursday August 27….6:41 p.m……JOEL ”SPARKY” FOGEL reports a heartbreaking loss for TEAM FOGEL to TEAM SCHWARTZ, 6-5, as they lost a one run lead in the bottom of the seventh inning…..kudos to BRIAN (NOT GRIFFEY) GOLDBERG who gave TEAM FOGEL the lead in the top of the seventh inning with a homerun….FOGEL reports his team will once again be missing players, but has signed one day contracts to MICHAEL ROTHSTEIN and COREY NORRIS, both from TEAM GREFER…….as part of the agreement, FOGEL must buy GARY GREFER a tilapia sandwich after Wednesday’s game at the usual hangout spot…….FYI….TEAM FRANKLIN (#8 seed) will be the home team vs. TEAM FOGEL (#9 seed) in the play-in game Sunday at 9:30 sharp on field #4……NO ESPN coverage……. throughout the year, your blog writer has received both positive and negative comments about the blog……. if you want them heard (read) on the blog, please send them to me at……… ………again, GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE TEAMS IN THE TOURNAMENT………