Thursday August 27……….11.04 a.m……….the GUTTMAN BROTHERS…….JORDAN and BRANDON are now officially in the BLOG fan club along with President GREG LEADER……..speaking of JORDAN……check out that tatoo he has on his arm…….nice!!!!!!…… last night were TEAMS SCHWARTZ, EPPSTEIN, NEWMAN and LOOOOOOOOOOOON…… reported action……..TEAM LOOOOOOON came from a 9-3 defecit by scoring 12 runs in the last two innings to defeat TEAM FRANKLIN, 15-11, ………combined with the TEAM WERNICK loss, a coin flip took place after the games to determine the #1 seed in which TEAM WERNICK won……tournament action starts SUNDAY at 9:30 a.m…….with the play-in game between TEAM FOGEL and TEAM FRANKLIN…….rumor has it that TEAM FRANKLIN is going to go shirtless the first time around in the batting order…… if you want to see captain GIGGY FRANKLIN shirtless, come on out……..for the rest of the seedings and schedule check out the website, courtesy of Commissioner MICHAEL ROTHSTEIN………GOOD LUCK TO ALL TEAMS,,,,,,,,,…………..