Game Results: June 29, 2009

Sunday June 28……….8:39 p.m……..another Sunday morning game to report on…..TEAM FRANKLIN, behind JEFF WOLF’S two out 7th inning base knock, knocked off TEAM NEWMAN……..veteran pitcher DAVID FOX walked only one and SCOTT WOLF played great defense along with oldtimer TED “BALLGAME” KANTOR, who had two hits and made an All-Star catch……..way to go TEDDY……..tell your teammate SCOTT to shut-up!!!!!……….no other scores to report at this time, but rumor has it that TEAM LOOOOOOOOOON is crowing about winning the second half and that they are THE team to beat……hmmmmmmmmmmm……….also TEAM FOGEL was believed to have been trounced this morning leading THE BLOG to believe captain JOEL ”SPARKY” FOGEL’S predicition of turning it around is a bit premature…… least for now…….catch ESPN Softball Tonight to watch the latest in DAVE WERNICK’S great catches series……..he had another today and now wants to be referred to as DAVE “WILLIE MAYS” WERNICK………hahahhahahhaha……..for comments, etc. send to me at………

One Reply to “Game Results: June 29, 2009”

  1. Final 1st Half Standings are incorrect – Team Loon should hold 3rd place with the head-to-head tie breaker over Kirzner.

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