Thursday June 25………..10:23 p.m……….in a wild one on Field 4, TEAM KIRZNER outlasted TEAM FRANKLIN, 19-18, in a game that lasted until around 9:00, well after all the other games had finished, rookie RICH FALCONE led a balanced offensive attack for the victors with three hits, including the game-winner in the bottom of the seventh inning, with four RBI’s including a homerun………it should be noted that TEAM FRANKLIN only had nine players…… other tidbits…….JOEL ”SPARKY” FOGEL sent me a prediction stating that his team “after a rough start will turn this thing around and it will start this Sunday.”……..FOGEL added that DAN GLASSMAN will return to action after being out several weeks due to an injury……..we’ll see what kind of prophet SPARKY is………….now you can add him to the prophet list with ANTON LOOOOOOOON……………