Satureday June 13……..5:04 p.m…….we’ve had sooooooo much rain this year and not a lot to report on so I’m throwing some thoughts out to you……How BAD are the Chicago Cubs and could the J.C.C. softball league come up with a team that could beat them?…….in case you missed it…….Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals last night was a classic……2-1 victory for the visiting Pittsburgh Penguins over the defending champion Detroit Red Wings……..Game 5 of the N.B.A. Finals is tomorrow night in Orlando with the Los Angeles Lakers leading 3 games to 1 after the Magic “choked” in Game 4……..any thoughts on any sports stories are always welcome to the BLOG……..e-mail them to me at……….

One Reply to “ROGER’S HOT CORNER…………”

  1. Maybe you haven't checked the standing but the cubs have the same winning percentage as the reds. not playing up to potential, yes, but bad no

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