Thursday May 28………..10:31 a.m……..JOEL ”SPARKY” FOGEL reports that after his team got knocked silly at the hands of undefeated TEAM SCHWARTZ, he is giving them today off to lick their massive wounds, but has ordered a mandatory workout Friday and Saturday to ready themselves for TEAM NEWMAN on Sunday morning………in other reported action……..TEAM LOON defeated TEAM FRANKLIN, 12-5, as captain ANTON ”LOONEY” LOON was a NO SHOW and veteran softballer BILLY KAHN took over the interim reins in fine fashion……..JOSH LISMAN, GREG LEADER (THE BLOG Fan Club President) and AARON COMPTON led the offensive attack…..tidbits from the game included BARRY KAPLAN celebrating his 53rd birthday with a solid performance on the mound and ALAN LESSURE showing up on time…….the question is…….will the team want LOON back after such a strong showing……..stay tuned……………………….