Monday May 4………5:12 p.m………Was the field that bad Sunday a.m.?………rumor has it that there are some disgruntled folks out there and you know who you are…….also the issue about the length of the bases is now a HOT topic of converstation…..thank you to the winning captains for reporting your games in a timely fashion……the quicker the better so I can put them all in together…….Team Fogel hasn’t played yet, but reports out of their camp, according to captain Joel “Sparky” Fogel is that they are foaming at the mouth to get started and have a beatdown on Team Kirzner……WOW!……..they were to play an exhibition in Tennessee this afternoon, weather permitting, and bus to Cincinnati afterwards and arrive at Greyhound Terminal at 10:00 p.m. for those wanting to greet and boo them………(cheap ass owners can’t furnish a jet)….comments/suggestions/questions/rumors/lies can be directed to me at and yes the CYCLONES are in the American Conference Finals…..Games 3, 4 and 5 (if needed) are at U.S. Bank Arena Wed., Fri., and Sat. of next week……….Happy Softballing!!!!!!!!!!