Game Results: August 22, 2019


leader    14
solomon 3

by greg leader

TEAM LEADER avenged a lopsided early first half loss against TEAM SOLOMON with a 14-3 win……the  victors turned a 0-4 start to the season into a 11-5 final record and a #1 seed in a “worst to first” run……

Both teams’ pitchers, BRANDON WOLF and JAMIE KURTZER were accurate during the contest, but MVP candidate KURTZER kept the TEAM SOLOMON hitters off balance….

The difference in the game was a seven run 2nd inning….

Game balls were presented to ZACH MAYER and MIKE ROTHSTEIN, who each played stellar in the field and each had big offensive games.,

Of note, there was a controversial moment in the game in which a batter caught a pitch heading in his direction….the player was awarded aHBP and awarded first base…….RIGHT DECISION????….YOU MAKE THE CALL………..

brafman     13

lefton           3……five innings
by marc brafman
Team Brafman with their backs against the wall came out and played their best game of the year. With a 13-3 win over Lefton they avoided the play in game. “In my 5 years in the league that was the best game any of my teams has played Brafman said post game. We played a clean game in the field and all 11 guys had at least one hit. And with the pressure on to avoid the playin game we showed that we can be a force in the post season.
Leading the way on offense was the tag team of Randy “The Big Kahuna” Broyles and Pat “Sunshine” Feldman who each had multi hits including a 3 run homer from Feldman.
Feldman and Jeremy “Hamilton” Fogel from Lefton waged a battle all night as each had a homer and a couple of hits. “I wanted to hit the ball hard and with Jeremy out there away from him Sunshine said post game. I’m glad I was able to help our team win. 
 Not to be overlooked Howard “Old Town Road” Goldwasser, Marc Brafman, Ryan  “the Hebrew Hammer Baum” Brad “The Human Rain delay” Wagner and Zach The Wild Horse” Zachem each had multi hits.  A special shout out to Eric “The Human Ball Magnet” Gruen who continues to find ways to get hit by balls this year got plunked in the arm with the bases loaded to drive in a run to go along with getting hit in pre-game, and in game earlier in the season
On defense Dave “The Minister of Fun” Cohen, Bob Sunset Feldman, and Jerry “Doc” Kirzner each played great in the field. 
by roger rosenthal

After playing perhaps their best game of the season on Sunday vs. a TEAM LEADER team that had won ten straight games, TEAM LEFTON played perhaps their worst game of the season…..

There were two notable plays in the game to note for TEAM LEFTON…..

JEREMY FOGEL hit a game tying two run home run to the opposite field and slid into home just ahead of the throw from the outfield…..also, MIKE KAHAN mad a fabulous catch down the left field line while going out of play…….

However, most of the game, TEAM LEFTON couldn’t get out of their way……

“We stunk out the joint. We need to forget this game and get ready for the tournament. I think we can have a short memory and be ready for our next game. We’ll see, “said team spokesman ROGER ROSENTHAL…….

League Notes: by marc brafman……

It’s been quite a week for guys in the league and the Reds. First, last Friday Roger Rosenthal tossed out the first pitch on Alzheimer’s Night and on Monday,  former catcher Albert Weisbrot, father to Jeff Weisbrot, sang the national anthem. Congrats to both of them…… 
In other league notes on the same night that Albert sang (Monday) Jose Peraza dropped a fly ball in LF that I am 100% convinced any of our LF and LC would have caught once again proving Brad Wagner’s theory that Peraza would be better in our league than MLB.
Dave “The Minister of Fun” Cohen and our very own commish Rick went to see KORN and Alice in Chains last week at Riverbend. Dave reported that the concert was great but the highlight of the show were the two guys sitting next to them that said both Dave and Rick looked more like their doctors than KORN fans. I think I can agree with them…….
From this point forward Pete Soltesz should be refered to as Pete “The straw that stirs the drink” Soltesz as he has seemed this year to morph into Reggie Jackson……. 
Speaking of the mid 70’s Yankees, Weston Wolf looks more and more like Billy Martin each week. Next time you get tossed from a game Wes I expect you to kick dirt on the ump and the plate……. 
Props to heads grounds keeper Ken Groh for his pictures of the field each week when it rains. It’s a little known fact that Ken likes to fish at the pond across the street and is always at the ready when the fields needs to be dragged come rain or shine.
Finally I’ve mentioned this before but I still think it’s pretty amazing. In baseball history (as far as I can tell) Warren Spahn faced Stan Musial 260 times over their careers which is the most times a pitcher faced a hitter. (it also could be Ty Cobb vs. Walter Johnson) but my point is this. Last Sunday Howie pitched against Big Gig. I can only imagine in the 50+ years those guys have been in the league how many times they have faced each other. Keep up the good work guys it’s fun watching you play.
Good luck to everyone in the playoffs. It’s been another great regular season