Thursday August 21………..2:06 a.m………NEEDS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!…………THE BLOG has a question to all of those baseball people out there that think they know the rules…..your’s truely was at the Dayton Dragons game Sunday night when a very unusual play happened………one that I’ve NEVER seen before and want to know if anyone knows the correct ruling……’s what happened………Dayton had men on first and second with one out when the batter hit the ball to the right side of the field towards the first baseman…..the ball hit the runner going from first to second, which is an automatic out (2nd out), however the umpire ruled a third out and the first baseman was credited with an unassisted double play by the official scorer and the inning was over…….Dayton manager Donnie Scott argued the play to no avail……..what is the ruling?………the only thing I can come up with is the baserunner was deemed interfering with the play and that is the second out and the ball hitting him is the third out….. any help?????????………Congrats to MATT STEINBERG for a homerun in the 7th inning that broke open a close game in Team Schwartz’ victory over Team “Pink Shirt” Harris…….someone has to shut that B.C. up though!!!!!!!……… ……………

One Reply to “ROGER’S HOT CORNER…………”

  1. As soon as the ball hits the runner it is a dead ball. The runner on second returns to second and the batter gets first. The inning should not have ended.

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