Team Kirzner wins over Team Grefer 11-9 in 9

Kirzner outlasts 1st half champs Grefer in 9innings.
When Teams Grefer and Kirzner met in the first half, it was the 4th inning before Kirzner’s team had a man reach base. By then the score was 15-0. It was a different game as the 2nd half of the season gets under way. Kirzner led this one 9-1through 5 1/2 innings. The excellent pitching of David Fox kept the opposing batters off guard and the hitting of Mike Small (4-5, HR & 2 runs scored) and Jerry Kirzner (3-5, 2 RBI & 3 runs scored) helped pad the lead. Grefer’s team wasn’t the 1st half champs for nothing. They came back on consistant hitting to score 5 runs in the bottom of the 6th and tied the game with 3 more in the 7th. Kirzner scored 2 runs in the top of the 9th on the great baserunning of Jeff Finklestein, the gutsy stamina of Todd Wasserman, who pulled a side muscle and couldn’t swing a bat or run but was able to get a bunt down, and the power hitting of Joe Goldberg (3-5, 2 Rbi) with a 2 out double to bring in an insurance run. Grefer had the tying runs on base in the in the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs when Fox got opposing pitcher Barry Kaplan to fly out to LCF.