Team Grefer’s (7-1)”Wiz Kids” shut down Team Newman, (3_5) to ta
ke the first half. Questions continue to be asked. How did this team get drafted. Who had the inside information on the Hiudt boys? Are Kyle and Dan Grefer to Tall for the game? The average age of the team can’t buy a beer! Have they been filming the opposition illegally? Where did Barry Kaplan get a fastball?
Team Newman needs a little retooling, but never the less they did keep the game close. Pernament Replacement Chris “Pacman” Jones had another great game and “Jumbo” Jimmy Lefton hit a smash to the wall, but Team Grefer prevailed!
Team Newman needs a little retooling, but never the less they did keep the game close. Pernament Replacement Chris “Pacman” Jones had another great game and “Jumbo” Jimmy Lefton hit a smash to the wall, but Team Grefer prevailed!
In under the tag….safe!!!!
How is 16-5 keeping it close?