Team Schwartz gives the breaks!

Team Schwartz eeks out a 6-5 victory over previously unbeaten Team Grefer. Lansberg breaks his arm in a attempt to tie the game.Team Grefer down by 3 runs when Lansberg, hitting left handed hit a gapper to left field, that rolled to the wall. The two runners scored ahead of Lansberg, who upon approaching third base was waved to the plate by third base coach Captain Gary Grefer. As Lansberg approached home Howard Schwartz was covering the plate for Ron Rose, when Lansberg did a head first jump/drive into the plate and the tag. The result was a good break for Team Schwartz, holding the lead and a bad break for Lansberg and Team Grefer. Lansderg will miss several weeks and then will start his rehab assignment with Mike Creemer’s 5-6 grade team, before rejoining the big club in time for the playoffs.