Game Results: July 21, 2019


lefton    11
kamrass  7………..first half game completion……

by roger rosenthal

In a game that they had to win to capture first place in the first half, TEAM LEFTON was given a real test by TEAM KAMRASS……

Upon resuming the game with a one run lead and runners on first and second and no outs in the top of the 4th inning, ROGER ROSENTHAL attempted to bunt on a 2-2 pitch that was five feet over his head and fouled it off for the out…..two outs followed and TEAM LEFTON came up with nothing…..

ROSENTHAL said after his at bat, “I suck. What the hell was I doing. I believe the bunt was the right call, but not five feet over my head. That was just terrible.”

The game continued to be tight the rest of the way and TEAM KAMRASS had a great shot of winning it in the bottom of the 7th inning in a tie game with the 2-3-4 hitters coming up, but somehow LEFTON got the game to the 8th inning and exploded for five runs to provide the victory….

ROSENTHAL was heard saying prior to the bottom of the 7th inning, “It doesn’t look good for us.”

lefton      7
kamrass  6

by roger rosenthal

After a thrilling first game, both teams came out in the nightcap and the pitching and defense took over……

JIMMY LEFTON and JASON FAUST both pitched well until an uprising by TEAM KAMRASS as they turned a 2-1 deficit into a 6-2 lead…..

LEFTON came back to tie it in the bottom of the 6th inning and went to the bottom of the 7th tied at 6-6, when LEFTON mounted a rally to produce the winning walk off rally….. a GARY FISHER one out single followed by ROGER ROSENTHAL’S two out single and EDDIE GALLUP’S walk to set the stage for JOEL FOGEL’S two out single to win the game and complete the sweep……..

KUDOS go out to…….JEREMY FOGEL who made a web gem catch to rob RAFI GOLDFARB of extra bases…….JEFF FINKELSTEIN made all the plays at SS (except one…..he’s human)……RICK LEFTON had four hits in the completed game……COREY NORRIS had a surprise bunt single to spur an inning……ROBERT PELBERG caught a great game(s) as he sprawled all over the backstop blocking pitches……..BRAD GALLUP played a solid RF……MIKE KAHAN had a couple of key base knocks……..and finally, JOEL FOGEL  had six hits total and plated the aforementioned game winning RBI in the night cap and JIMMY LEFTON, who perhaps pitched his best ball of the year……..

After the double wins, JIMMY LEFTON told the media, “This was a complete team effort and that’s how it’s been all year. We’re not pretty at times, but we stick together and get the job done.”

“I’m so proud of this team the way we battled. Things didn’t look good at times and listening to Roger yelling all game at me is a pain in the butt, but it all turned out for the best.”

KUDOS also go out to BEN BARNETT, as he made two nice grabs in RF to prevent runs from

leader 8
grefer 4

by greg leader………

TEAM LEADER won their 6th consecutive game as JAMEY KURTZER had another brilliant pitching performance……he has NOT walked a batter in six straight games…..the historians of the JCC league are scouring across decades of scorebooks to see if this is a league record…..stay tuned!!!!!!!

EDITOR’S NOTE…..ROGER ROSENTHAL has promised that he will do everything in his power to draw a walk this week vs the veteran right-hander………