Game Results: July 4, 2019


brafman 12
kamrass   5

by micah kamrass……

Three important notes to report from this game……

1. ADAM “VOTTOMATIC” CRONSTEIN hit a home run off the foul pole in right field……his first ever in his star studded JCC career……

2. DAVID “DANCING WITH THE STARS” SOLOMON caught a pop up bunt with his bare hand….

3. While playing first base, BOB FELDMAN for the opposing TEAM BRAFMAN, reported to the umpire that a runner he called out was indeed safe, causing the man in blue to reverse the call…..consider this TEAM KAMRASS’ nomination for the sportsmanship award……..

groh      10
solomon 5

by ken groh…………..

TEAM GROH started off hot as the first five hitters singled and a sac fly wrapped up a three run opening inning…..

GRIFF HARRIS and SCOTT BERGE collected their second hits to start the third inning and they scored on a triple by GROH who later scored on a hit by RYAN SMALL…….

In the fourth inning, TODD WASSERMAN singled and scored on a MARC SIMONS rbi grounder to make it 7-0 heading to the bottom of the inning…..TYLER WOLF hit a two run home run driving in DAN GILBERT to cut the lead to 7-3……

In the fifth inning, the victors answered with a two out rally as DAVID WERTHEIM hit a home run followed by a GROH single, a SMALL triple and a JIM BECKETT single that extended the lead to 10-3 which held up until the bottom of the seventh frame…..

BRANDON WOLF, who had two hits and GIG FRANKLIN, who had three hits and threw out a potential base stealer, started the rally and made things interesting as they loaded the bases after scoring two runs to make it 10-5, but held on for the victory…..

Great defensive plays by STU SOLOMON and his over the shoulder catch with the bases loaded and as always slick fielding WES WOLF at SS…..

HARRIS gunned a runner out at third base and BERGE and WASSERMAN made great plays at their respective positions….and DAVID WEIL called a great game behind the plate as TEAM GROH won their third straight game…….

leader          5
schwartz, t. 3

by greg leader

TEAM LEADER won its’ fifth game in a row in a game that saw brilliant pitching by both STEVE EPPSTEIN, walking only one batter and JAMEY KURTZER, not walking anyone…..