Game Results: June 27, 2016

TEAM LEADER defeated TEAM GREFER in both the completion of the first half game and again in the second half match-up…..

For the second time in a row, captain GREG LEADER was NOT there and acting captain ANTON LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON was in charge and is now undefeated at the helm………

In the suspended game, the victors rallied from a three run deficit in the bottom of the 7th inning to win, 12-11…..while in the regularly scheduled game, they had things under control from the start in a 14-9 victory…..

BEN SANDOR, DOUG SANDOR, RICK TENENHOLTZ, RANDY BROYLES, PHIL GANSON and up and coming rookie star BEN ROSENBERG led the team offensively, while on the defensive side, RYAN SILVERMAN continued his gold glove play in LCF with several outstanding catches…..SILVERMAN’S wife GALITE was heard muttering in the stands, “Damn, I didn’t know I was married to Mickey Rivers”.

According to LOON, an interesting situation with the captain ship might take place if and when LEADER decides to come back to play….similar to the NBA’s GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS when STEVE KERR, the head coach was out and LUKE WALTON took over leading LOON to quip, “We know how that turned out when they went back to KERR.”……..STAY TUNED TO AS THE LEADER LEADS??????