Game Results: August 18, 2014


We have a world class softball player amongst us in the softball league……can you guess who it is?
No, it’s NOT me!
It’s PETE SPOERL!!!!!!
Pete not only plays in the JCC league, but plays a handful of games per week for an Ohio team that takes softball to the next level.
Playing with a bunch of guys about half his age (Pete isn’t that old, he’s 54 years young), he participated in the International Softball Congress Fast pitch Tournament in Kitchener, Ontario Canada recently.
Playing mainly as a designated hitter and sometimes first baseman or third baseman for the Westerville, Ohio Capitals, his team captured second place in their division after being eliminated earlier on in the preliminary round.
Spoerl, a three sport star (baseball, basketball and football) at Hamilton Badin also is in not one, not two, not three, but four Hall of Fames…..the Hamilton Badin High School, Xavier University, Butler County and State of Ohio.
Way to go PETE SPOERL!!!!!!!!!!